I Am 93% Sure That Should Not Be Falling Over

458 20 11

Setting: Alexandria

*Nico's POV*

Merle, Harley, and I walk around the perimeter of Alexandria. I carry a sleeping Sebastian in my arms. Tobin and the others are reinforcing the walls. 

"It's lookin' good," Merle points out.

"Yeah," I say. 

I spoke too soon.

A piece of wood from the watchtower falls at our feet. 

"Don't worry about it," Harley says. I nod and we walk over to Rick and Tobin. Tara joins us.

"Hey, you seen Denise?" she asks. 

"No," Rick says. Tara sighs and walks away. 

"I'll be right back," Rick says. He runs up to Tara. They talk to each other inaudibly. Deanna joins them and Rick and her talk.

"Y'hear Spencer tried to shimmy over the wall?" Harley asks. "Tara saved his life."

"That guy is an idiot," I mumble. 

"You see that?" Merle points at the sky. Funny. Everyone is looking at the sky. I see what everyone is looking at.

A bunch of green balloons float in the sky. It's not a coincidence. It's a signal.

That signal means Glenn is alive. 

Maggie jumps from her post and runs to us. 

"That's Glenn," Maggie cries. "That's Glenn!" Rick nods.

Our happy moment is dashed with the sound of cracking wood. The watchtower leans over and starts falling over the wall.

"I am 93% sure that should not be falling over!" I exclaim. Everyone starts running. I clutch Sebastian to my chest as I run. 

The wall has fallen. The walkers are free.  

"Everyone, get back!" Rick screams. "Get into your houses, go!"

"What do we do?" Harley panics. "To get to our house means going through the walkers."

"Jessie's house!" I exclaim. "It's closest and she's babysitting Judith!" I turn to Rick, who's shooting down walkers.

"Rick!" I scream. "Let's go!" Deanna joins him. I turn to my brother and sister.

"Get to Jessie's house!" I exclaim. 

"Are ya kiddin' me?" Merle shouts. "Daryl'll kill us if anythin' happens to ya!" 

"Well, Daryl's not here," I hiss. "I am. Now, do what I say, and get to Jessie's house." I give Sebastian to Harley and the two run. I take out my crossbow and join Deanna and Rick. We start running.

"Back!" Deanna yells at a walker. "Get back!" Deanna falls on something sharp. 

"Deanna, you alright?" Rick asks. Rick pulls her up and we continue fighting off the walkers. 

"Rick!" Michonne calls to us. She, Ron, Carl, and Father Gabriel run to us. 

"Good, your safe," Rick sighs in relief. "Come on."

The walkers circle around us. I know that this is the end. 

Suddenly, gunfire takes them out. Jessie stands a few feet away with a handgun.

"Come on!" she yells. "I have Judith and Sebastian!" We run into Jessie's house and are greeted by Merle and Harley.

"You are one crazy son of a bitch, you know that?" Merle says and wraps his arms around me.

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