Friend Turned To Foe

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 Setting: Hershel's Farm, Season Two

"Dale could - could get under your skin. He sure got under mine, because he wasn't afraid to say what he thought, how he felt. That kind of honest is rare and brave. Whenever I'd make a decision, I'd look at Dale. He'd be looking back at me with that look he had. We've all seen it one time or another. I couldn't always read him, but he could read us. He saw people for who they were. He knew things about us - the truth who we really are. In the end, he was talking about losing our humanity. He said this group was broken. The best way to honor him is to unbreak it. Set aside our differences and pull together, stop feeling sorry for ourselves and take control of our lives... our safety... our future. We're not broken. We're gonna prove him wrong. From now on... we're gonna do it his way. That is how we honor Dale," Rick said as we stood by Dale's grave.

Tears were running down my eyes. Dale was like a grandfather to me. Now, he was gone.

The ceremony ended. I broke and ran to me and Daryl's isolated tent. I sat down and had a good cry. Why did so many people have to die? First Collin, then Hayden, now Dale! It was too much.

Strong arms wrapped around me and I fell into them.

"Its hard," Daryl said. "But we gotta push through."

"How," I sniffed. Daryl adjusted me so I was on his lap and looking into those Dixon blues.

"Together." Then the dam broke. I poured my heart and whatever was left of my cold, dark soul into Daryl's strong chest.

I heard footsteps approaching the tent. It was T-Dog.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting but Rick wants me and Nico to put Randall to work. You comin," He asked me. I nodded.

"Be there in five," I said. T-Dog nodded and walked out. Daryl rubbed my back.

"Go on. Put that scum to work," He teased. I snorted and pecked his lips. I stood up but Daryl pulled me down again.

"Stupid tease," He muttered and kissed me passionately. I gasped as he gripped my ass then gently pushed me out of the tent.

I think me and him are gonna have some fun tonight.


"Hey, T," I greeted T-Dog. He smiled and we walked to the barn.

"Ok, buddy! We're gonna put you to work-" T-Dog stopped abruptly. The barn was empty. Randall was gone.

"Oh hell no!" T-Dog yelled.

"Rick!" I screamed. Everyone came running to us.

"The prick escaped!" I yelled and kicked a rock.

"RICK!" An angry voice yelled from the woods. Shane came out with a broken nose. Blood was running down his face.

"Holy crap?! What happened?!" Lori asked.

"I was going after Randall, and the bastard jumped me! He's armed! He has my gun!" Shane yelled.

"How'd a tiny guy jump someone as big as you?" I asked. I wasn't fully buying this. Shane didn't answer. Point taken.

"We need to find him. Now!" Glenn exclaimed.

"Right. I'll go with Shane. Daryl and Glenn, go in the opposite direction," Rick instructed. Glenn and Daryl nodded.

"I'm going with you!" I said.

"Like hell you are!" Daryl snapped back. "You are gonna keep your ass in this house, where it's safe!"

"You can't tell me what to do, Dixon!" I retorted.

"Nico, please. I need you to look after Carl," Lori begged. I grunted. She was his mother. Isn't that her job?

Seeing there was no way out, I obliged. Carl was sitting in a bedroom on the second floor.

"Hey, buddy," I smiled. He smiled back, but something was troubling him.

"What's goin' on?" I questioned him.

"I-I'm scared for my dad," He whispered. I peeked outside. It was getting dark.

"Why are you scared?" I asked, rubbing his back.

"Shane lied. I saw him hide his gun. Randall didn't attack him; he's setting us up!" Carl said in a panic.

"What? Why would Shane do that?" I asked but I already knew the answer.

"We need to find your dad!" I hissed. He nodded and I opened the window. We jumped out and landed in a bush. I looped my crossbow over my back and Carl holstered his gun.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked him.

"I stole it from Daryl's bike," I confessed. I snorted and we ran into the woods.


We were at the edge of a clearing. We peeked through the trees. I gasped at what I saw.

Shane had Rick at gunpoint. I turned to Carl.

"Stay here. Don't move," I hissed. He nodded, fear dancing in his eyes. I loaded my crossbow and inched towards Shane. I put my finger on the trigger.

'Pull the damn trigger!' I thought to myself. And then I stepped on a twig.

Can you get anymore cliché? Shane turned around.

"Damn you, Nico! You've messed up one too many times!" He pointed the gun at me. I didn't hesitate. I shot my arrow and it landed right above his heart. Rick snuck up behind him and plunged a knife into his chest.

"Damn you for making me do this, Shane! This was you, not me! You did this to us! This was you! Not me! Not me! Not me!..." Rick screamed. I ran into his arms.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Dad?" I heard a small voice.

"Carl! I told you to stay put!" I snapped. Carl held up his gun. I approached him slowly.

"Carl... it's not what it looks like..." Rick tried to reason with him. Carl pulled the trigger and a loud BANG echoed through the night.

He didn't shoot Rick. He didn't shoot me. He shot Shane.

Shane had turned.

"Wait, wait, wait! What?!" I stuttered. Shane wasn't bit or scratched! How did he turn?

"How the hell..." Rick started, but I cut him off.

"We'll figure it out later. I'm sure Lori's worried sick about Carl," I said. Rick nodded and we started walking back.

An arrow fell off my crossbow. I grunted and bent over to pick it up. When I did, I noticed a large mass headed right for us.

It was a herd of walkers, at least twice as large as the one at the interstate.

"Oh shit!" I yelled.

"Get back to the farm!" Rick screamed and we broke into a run.


A/N Sorry for slow update! I was in NYC for a day. 

Question time!

1. How will the group handle Shane's death?

2. Will this put a dent in Daryl and Nico's relationship?

3. Will Daryl and Nico FINALLY get intimate?  


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