Once a Dixon, Always a Dixon

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A/N: There will be a lot of POV changes in this chapter because of character development and all that jazz. 

Setting: The Prison, Season Three

*Nico's POV*

"It's the only way," Rick says. I honestly can't believe what he's telling me, Daryl, and Hershel. "No one else knows."

"You gonna tell 'em?" Daryl asks. 

Rick shakes his head, "Not till after. We have to do it today, it has to be quiet."

"You got a plan?" Daryl asks. 

"Tell her we need to talk," Rick starts. "Away from the others."

Daryl shakes his head in disbelief, "Just ain't us, man." 

"Michonne's my friend. She's earned her place," I add. 

"Daryl's right," Hershel says. "It most certainly isn't us." He hops away on his crutches. 

"We do this, we avoid a fight. No one else dies," Rick reasons. "Besides, Nico will need a safe place to give birth."

"Don't make this about me," I snap. 

Daryl looks at me with concern then nods, "Alright." 

"We need someone else," Rick says. Daryl nods in understanding. 

"I'll talk to him," he says. 

"No, I'll do it," Rick says. 

"I'll go with you."

"No. Just me."


"So," Daryl starts. "Rick's dragging Merle into this." We're sitting alone in our cell, going over the plan to hand Michonne over to the Governor. 

"Yeah," I answer, not looking up from my lap. 

"The Governor probably won't keep his word and shoot us up."


"We're probably gonna die out there."


"Will you marry me?"

"Yeah- wait, what?!" I shoot my head up. Daryl's holding a beautiful silver ring with a blue rose in the middle. I cannot comprehend what is occurring. 

"Listen, you wanna be a Dixon or not?" Daryl growls. I nod as tears seep through my eyes. I take the ring and slip it onto my finger. I wrap my arms around him and he returns the embrace. 

"Oh, are we interrupting something?" A voice asks. Harley, Beth, and Maggie are standing by the door. I run to them.

"Look at ma ring!" I squeal. "I'm a Dixon! Booyah!" The girls scream in happiness and we do a group hug.

Could this day get any better?


Rick and I meet Daryl, Glenn, and Michonne who just laid down some barbed wire on the road. 

"They try to drive up to the gate again, maybe some blown tires will stop them," Glenn says smugly. 

"That was a good idea," Rick nods. 

"It was Michonne's," Daryl says. The three of us share a look. Guilt swarms through me.

"We don't have to win," Michonne pipes up. "We just have to make their getting at us more trouble than it's worth." We make our way back to the cell block. 


*Harley's POV*

"Ain't no way," Merle mumbles and stares out the window. 

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