Aggressive Negotiations

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Setting: Warehouse, Season Three

*Nico's POV*

Today is a day of reckoning. Today, Rick, Daryl, Hershel, and I are going to a warehouse between the territories of Woodbury and the prison. Today, Rick would discuss negotiation terms with the Governor. 

Daryl and I parked our bikes between two silos. Rick and Hershel brought up the rear in the Hyundai. 

Rick, Daryl, and me's job is to check out the perimeter, make sure there are no surprises. We scout around, Daryl grunting as usual. He stops us at a dead walker. He checks it out and confirms no hazard. 

Rick points around the warehouse. Daryl and I nod and scout the perimeter. Suddenly, a voice comes from inside the warehouse. And it sure as hell isn't Rick's voice. 

"We have a lot to talk about," the voice says. 

"You attacked us," Rick's voice responds. "Makes things pretty clear."

"I was trying to make things clear," the voice says again. "I coulda killed you all, I didn't."

"And here we are," I hear Rick growl. Daryl and I peek through the window to see Rick holding the infamous Governor at gunpoint. 

"I'm going to take off my weapon to show that I mean to negotiate," the Governor says calmly. "I'd like you to do the same." 

The Governor reaches for his gun belt and takes it off. "See? No trouble."

"No trouble, my ass," I mutter. Daryl snorts in humor. 

The Governor sits down and gestures for Rick to do so as well. 

Daryl and I walk around the building as Hershel pulls up. 

"He's already in there," Daryl says. "Sat down with Rick."

"I don't see any cars," Hershel points out. 

"It don't feel right," Daryl says gruffly. "Keep it runnin'." The roar of a vehicle approaches us. 

"Heads up!" Daryl exclaims. I prep my crossbow. A minivan approaches us and stops meters from Daryl's feet. A man I recognized steps out. Martinez. The man who held me back from stopping Daryl and Merle. Andrea and a man I don't recognize also step out. 

"What the hell?" Daryl spits. "Why's your boy already in there?" 

"He's here?" Andrea asks in confusion. 


Andrea sighs and walks to the warehouse. She steps in and disappears. 

Daryl paces in annoyance. Hershel stops him with a thought, "Maybe I should go inside."

"The Governor thought it best if he and Rick spoke privately," the new man says. 

"Who the hell are you?" Daryl asks. 

"Milton Mamet," the man answers. 

"Great. He brought his butler," Daryl sneers. Jesus, I love this man. Martinez chuckles. 

"I'm his adviser," Milton clarifies. 

"What kind of advice?" Daryl pushes on. 

"Planning. Biters. Uh, you know, I'm sorry. I don't feel like I need to explain myself to the henchmen," Milton says calmly. 

Oh no he didn't! 

"You better watch your mouth, sunshine," Daryl hisses. I give him the Dixon smirk. 

"Listen buddy, I don't care if your some highly educated professor or some shit, I will stomp your ass," I say. 

"Is that a threat?" Milton asks. 

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