Prisoners On Both Sides

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Setting: Atlanta, Season One

I was going to kill him. I really was. But Daryl grabbed my arm. "Listen, we need to get him to Rick and T-Dog. They'll know what to do!" He said.

I was beyond pissed. I was beyond furious. I was livid. This son of a bitch and his homies are the reason that Glenn could be in hot water. But Daryl was right. This kid could provide us with really excellent information. And one more thing: Glenn had left the bag of guns.

I picked him up and took my belt off. I tied his hands behind his back and gagged him. Rick and T-Dog found us.

"Who the hell is that? And where's Glenn?" T-Dog asked.


I walked in circles for a moment. Then I readjusted my bronze knuckles and punched the kid in the face. I so wanted to just stick a knife in the kid's throat, but Rick would probably kill me.

"What's your name?" Rick asked.

"I'm telling you nothing, puto," The kid retorted. Rick gave me a nod. I reared up and punched the kid again, slicing his cheek.

"He just asked you a question. I suggest you answer it!" I hissed. He turns pale with fear, but kept his mouth shut. Daryl had just about enough. He grabbed Merle's wrapped disembodied hand and threw it at the kid.

"That's what happened the last guy messed with us! I'll do the same to you! We'll start at the feet..." Daryl taunted and squatted. Damn. He has one hell of an ass. No. Stop. Just... no!  

"Ok, ok! My name is Miguel!" The kid shrieked. I grinned. Daryl sure has a way of persuasion.

"D'ya think his people have Merle?" Daryl asked me.

"Merle?" Miguel scoffs. "What kind of hick name is that? I wouldn't name my dog Merle." Daryl tries to beat the kid, but Rick holds him back.

After some time, the kid gave away his location.

"If you're lying, I'll shove an arrow up your ass," Daryl hissed.

"Well, G will take that arrow and shove it up your ass!" Miguel retorted.

"G?" I asked.

"Guillermo. He runs the place," Miguel said.

"Damn, is this guy like the new Jesus Christ or summat?" I joked. Daryl snickered.

"Looks like we're taking a visit to old Guillermo," Rick stated.


Ok, long story short: We went to Guillermo to discuss giving up Miguel. In return, we get Glenn. Guillermo refused. He wanted "his" bag of guns. He said either we give the bag up, Glenn will be returned, and we walk away or we draw and see which side spills more blood.

"We could leave. Glenn will find his way out, I'm sure of it!" Daryl suggested. I couldn't believe he was actually thinking of leaving Glenn. But in a way it makes sense.

"Guys, I actually agree with Daryl," I said. Rick looked at me with shock.

"Nico, if it weren't for Glenn, you and I would be dead!" He exclaimed.

"I know that, but we shouldn't try to save one life just to put many others at risk. Its foolhardy and just plain stupid!" I retorted. "I say we go in there, and shoot every last one of them down!"

T-Dog nodded. "It's our best shot. There's no reasoning with this guy,"

We all looked at Rick. He was our technical leader in this. He sighed and nodded. "Ok. Daryl, Nico, take some shotguns. Crossbows are great against walkers and for hunting but against people? Not so good. You'll run out of ammo too fast." Daryl and I nodded and took some shotguns and cartridges.

"Well then. Let's go," Daryl said. I couldn't agree more.


We arrived at Guillermo's hideout with Miguel. He was tied up and had a bag over his head. Guillermo and his homies walked out. I shoved Miguel at them.

"Here's your man. Now, last chance! Give us ours!" I yelled, pointing my shotgun at them.

"Only after I get my bag of guns!" He hissed.

"Give us Glenn!" I screamed.

Guillermo gave us a devilish grin. "I'm gonna feed that Asian to my dogs. Nastiest bitches you ever saw. Got them from Satan himself off the black market."

I cocked my gun and Daryl did the same. Everyone drew. This was it. Heck, I might die today. So a interlocked Daryl's fingers in mine. I was expecting him to pull away, but he didn't. He just held my hand tighter.  

I was about to pull the trigger, but a small voice interrupted me.

"Filipe?" A little old lady asked. She made her way through the men.

"Abuela, get back inside!" A man, who I believe was Filipe, said.

She noticed us. "Who are these men? And who is the girl?" She asked.

"Abuela, they're-" Filipe tried to say. She noticed Rick in his sheriff uniform.

"Don't you take him!" She cried.


"Filipe is a good boy! He has his times, but he is a good boy! Please, Officer, don't take him away!" She pleaded. She thought we were here to arrest him?

"Ma'am, I'm not here to arrest your grandson. We're here to get our friend, Glenn back. He's Korean-" Rick started. 

"Oh! The little Asian boy? He is with Mr. Gilbert! Come! I'll show you," She said. She lead us through the men.

"Let them pass," Guillermo said in defeat.

We arrived at an elderly man who was having a coughing fit. Someone frantically gave him and inhaler. Glenn was standing beside him.

"What's goin' on?" Daryl asked.

"Asthma attack," Glenn and I said at the same time. Glenn looked surprised.

"What? I have a medical degree!"

"Man, we thought you were gonna be eaten by dogs!" T-Dog exclaimed.

Glenn looked confused and turned to three Chihuahua puppies in a basket. The middle on yapped at us. I'm a pretty tough girl, but I have a sweet spot for two things: Baby animals (baby anything really) and motorcycles.

Guillermo and Rick were talking quietly. I saw Rick give him some guns, but not all of them. Daryl suddenly pulled me over to the side.

"You're on tough sumbitch, you know that?" He said. I grinned.

"Yeah. I am, aren't I?" We both snickered. I looked into his beautiful Georgia blue eyes. He looked into my boring brown ones. His hand found its way to my cheek. I squeezed my eyes shut. His hand had the back of my neck as he pulled me closer... closer... closer... until...

"Uh, guys?" Glenn said. I gave him a death glare. How dare he!? Stupid Chinaman. Daryl and I were so close! If Glenn hadn't interrupted us, we might have kissed!


Did I want that?

I concluded that yes, I did want that.

Almost too much.


Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now