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Setting: The Prison, Season Four

*Daryl's POV*

When we pull up to the prison, a feeling of horror sets in. The fence is broken down and walkers litter the driveway. When we park, Carl and Rick run to us. 

"Sasha? Is Sasha okay?" Tyreese asks. 

"I don't know," Rick sighs. 

"Where's Nico?" I ask frantically. Rick smirks. 

"She's been in her cell the whole day, sleeping. The climax of her pregnancy is taking a toll on her," he says. I sigh in relief. 

"Bob!" I yell. "Take the meds to the sick ones!" Bob nods. 

"I can take those," Maggie suddenly appears. "We had quite a scare today. About a third of the sick ones died and turned. Lizzie was attacked and Glenn nearly died."

"Is Merle-" I start. 

"Merle's fine," Maggie interrupts. "He's actually doing better than most of them." I nod and walk to Nico's cell.

She's fast asleep in her black sports bra and some leggings. I bend down and kiss her cheek. Her big, brown eyes flutter open and she smiles. 

"You're back. Yay," she yawns. I roll my eyes and kiss her large belly. 

"I heard gunshots. What happened," she rubs her eyes. 

"Walkers got through and some people in isolation turned. Merle, Glenn, and Sasha are okay, though," I explain. She leans back and closes her eyes. 

"I coulda helped," Nico mumbles. 

"I woulda killed you if you did," I say honestly. She rolls her eyes and opens her arms. 

"You need sleep, Mr. Hero," she teases. I snort and join her in our bunk. I eventually drown in a much needed wave of sleep. 


*Next Morning*

Tyreese and I have been working on fence repairs ever since we woke up. As we drive back for more supplies, Hershel walks towards us. I stop the car and we both get out. 

"How's Glenn?" Tyreese asks. 

"He made it through the night," Hershel informs. "He's breathing on his own now. Maggie and Bob are with him. He seems stable enough for me to get some air."

"He's a tough son of a bitch," I say. 

Hershel nods, "He is. And so is your brother. He never went critical." I grin at that. Merle was up and moving and Harley never left him alone. 

"You're a tough son of a bitch," I smile. 

"I am," Hershel says proudly and starts to walk away. 

"How about Carol?" I stop him. "She up in A Block with Lizzie?" Hershel turns around with an unreadable expression on his face. 

"No. Talk to Rick about her," Hershel says. "She's okay, just talk to him."He then turns and walks away, leaving me to my thoughts. 

What was that all about?


*Nico's POV*

I wander around the prison, holding my belly. Any day now, Daryl and I will be parents. I smile lovingly as I feel a small kick. 

The smile disappears as I see Daryl and Rick on the upper level of Cell Block C. Rick is looking at his feet and Daryl is pacing angrily. I walk up to them. 

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now