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Setting: Woodbury, Season Three
*Daryl's POV*

The sky is black. And not a beautiful kind of black, but a thick, inky, evil kind of black. I can't see the moon or any stars.

We sneak past a train car with Michonne leading the way. We duck behind a car and see a wall, couple meters high with about three guards on it. Two of the guards have automatics and the other one has a bow and arrow. Behind it seems like a decently big town.

This must be Woodbury.  

Bow and arrow guy shines a light around the road we're hiding on. We duck behind the car again.

Suddenly, Michonne runs and disappears behind us.

"Hey!" Oscar whispers.

"Dammit!" Rick hisses. "Alright, we need to downsize." We start taking off the large guns from our backs.

"Ain't no way we're jumpin' off buildings," I say. "There are guards everywhere."

A stick snaps behind us. We turn and see Michonne. She makes a gesture and mouths 'this way'. We look at each other and Rick nods. We stand up and hustle in the direction Michonne pointed.

She leads us to a building that looks like it's used for storage.

"This is where you were held?" Rick asks Michonne.

"Where I was questioned," she corrects.

"Any idea where else they would be?" Rick asks as I walk to a window and peek behind the curtains. I notice people walking up and down the street as if there weren't thousands of reanimated dead cannibals hungry for human flesh outside the walls.

"Thought you said there was a curfew," I say.

"The streets are packed during the day," Michonne says. "Those are stragglers."

"If anyone comes in here, we're sitting ducks. We've gotta move," Rick says.

"They could be in his apartment," Michonne suggests.

"Yeah?" What if they ain't?" I ask, getting frustrated.

"Then we look somewhere else!" Michonne snaps.

Rick walks to the sword-swinger. "You said you could help us."

"I'm doing what I can!" Michonne hisses. She has one hell of an attitude.

"Then where the hell are they?" Oscar asks. When Michonne doesn't answer, Rick sighs and gestures to the door. He pulls me and Oscar over.

"If this goes south, we're cutting her loose," Rick whispers.

"You think she's leading us into a trap?" Oscar asks.

"Right now it's the blind leading the blind," I grunt. "We'll split up."

Just then, there's a knock on the door. The lock turns and a man steps through the doorway.

"I know you're in here," he says. "I saw you moving from outside. Alright now, you're not supposed to be in here, and you know it. Who's in here?"

Rick grabs him by the neck and points a gun to his face. "Shut up!" he says. "Get on your knees! Hands behind your back! Zip tie him! Where are our people?"

"I dunno!" the stranger says in a panic.

"You are holding some of our people, where the hell are they?!" Rick says forcefully.

"I dunno!" the man repeats.

"Open your mouth!" Rick spits. The man does as he says and Rick stuffs a rag in his mouth. I whack him over the head with my bow and he's out cold. Rick drags the body away.

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now