The Run That Changed My Life

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Setting: The Prison, Season Three

*Nico's POV*

I woke up next morning and threw up.

Well isn't that pleasant. I turned around, expecting to feel Daryl's warmth, but the mattress besides me was cold.

Then I remembered. Tears welled up in my eyes. Not because he left, but because of something else.

I need to go on a run today. I walked around and found Maggie, Hershel, and Rick.

"Rick, I need to go on a run. Maggie, I want you to come with me," I say. Hershel tries to protest but I stop him.

"Please. It's important. Girl stuff, y'know?" I say. Rick nods and hands me a walkie-talkie.

"If you run into trouble, let us know," he says. He leans forward and kisses my head. I pull away and Maggie and I walk to where the cars and bikes are parked.

I walk to my bike and gesture for Maggie to get on. She does and we move along.


*Daryl's POV*

"There ain't nothing but mosquitos and ants out here," I grumble as Merle finishes taking a piss.

"Patience, little brother," Merle says. "Sooner or later, a squirrel's bound to scurry across your path."

"Even so, that ain't much food," I point out.

"More than nothing," Merle says.

"Better look into one of them houses we passed back on the turnoff," I suggest.

"Is that what your new friends taught you?" Merle teases. "How to loot for booty?"

"We've been at it for hours!" I say. "We could find a stream, look for some fish!"

"I think you're just trying to lead me back to the road, man," Merle says. "Get me over to that prison."

"We've got shelter," I point out. "Food, pot to piss in might not be a bad idea."

"For you maybe," Merle says. "Gonna be no damn party for me."

"Everyone would get used to each other," I mumble and look through the scope on my crossbow.

"They're all dead, makes no difference," Merle spits.

"How can you be so sure?" I counter.

"Right about now, he's probably hosting a house warming party," Merle starts. "Where he's gonna bury what's left of your pals. Lets hook some fish."

I spit on the ground and we walk off.


*Nico's POV*

Maggie and I pull up to a pharmacy. I get off my bike.

"Stay here," I say. "I'll check if it's clear." Maggie nods and I walk into the pharmacy. I knock on the wall a few times.


"Clear!" I call to Maggie. "Bring the bike in, I'm not taking any chances!"

Maggie pushes the bike in and I bar the doors shut. Maggie looks at me suspiciously.

"Nico, why are we here?" she asks. "We have enough baby formula to last us another month, our food and water supply is plentiful, and we're all set with medical supplies!"

I take a deep breath and break the truth. "Maggie- I'm not sure about this. I've seen the signs, but I want to be sure. Maggie... I think I'm pregnant."

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now