Cell Block C

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Setting: The Prison, Season Three

*Nico's POV*

I woke up on the soft grass. Carl was lying next to me. I tried to stand up, but failed. I let out a surprised holler as I fell on my butt. Maggie rubbed her eyes and looked at me.

"What's wrong, honey?" She asked and walked over.

"I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!" I screamed in horror. Everyone woke up at my scream.

"What's happening?" Carl asked in a panic. Maggie started laughing.

"Nico, you probably have some nerve problems in your legs. It's totally normal after one experiences lots of pressure on the pelvis," Maggie said with a smirk.

I turned to Daryl. "DAMN YOU, DIXON!" Everyone laughed and Daryl's face turned to a deep crimson shade. Our moment of innocence was interrupted by Rick.

"Alright everyone. I know this was a big win, but we gotta push harder. Today, we take the prison. Me, Daryl, Nico, T-Dog, Maggie, and Glenn will go through the gate and kill the walkers. Then, we push inside. This could be a home for us."

We all looked ecstatic. Finally, a place we could call home.


*Minutes Later*

The six of us were in a circle formation, our backs pressing against each other. We hacked at the beasts. We made it up a staircase and fought our way into a cell block.

"Cell Block C," I said. "Remember that." Everyone soon joined us and we all chose a cell.

"I ain't sleepin' in no cage," Daryl said. "I'll take the perch."

"Hey Nico?" Carl asked. "I was wondering if... um..."

"Nico! You comin' with me?" Daryl asked.

"Yep! Be right there!" I yelled back. I turned to Carl and smiled.

"What's up, bud?" I asked. His face turned beet red.

"Never mind," He grumbled. Huh. Wonder what that was all about.

Beth and Maggie walked to me. "Rick says we need to push further. Find where the food is, the infirmary, and the armory," Maggie said.

"Nice. Tomorrow, we'll take care of that. For now, we should get some rest," I said and walked away. Beth stopped me.

"Nico, Carl has a crush on you," She said suddenly. I stopped in my tracks.

"He has a what now on me?" I babbled. I loved Carl, but like a little brother. And I was a little over twice his age!

"A crush. I heard him telling Beth," Maggie said. "He said your smart, kind, strong, brave, and sexy."

I nearly choked on my own tongue. "He thinks I'm sexy?! Does he even know what that word means?!"

"He's twelve years old," Beth shrugged.

"And here I am thinking he was the innocent one," I grumbled and walked to the perch. Daryl was lying on a sheet with his head resting on his palms.  I snuggled up next to him and pressed my back against his chest. His strong arms wrapped around my waist tightly.

"We'll be ok. We finally have a safe place," He said.

"We thought the same thing about the farm. That's what I'm afraid of," I admitted before I let the comforting arm of sleep take me.


*Next Morning*

Me, Daryl, Rick, Maggie, Glenn, T-Dog, and Hershel were running through the tombs. Whenever we made a turn, Glenn would spray-paint a white arrow leading the way back.

Our mission? Kill every single geek in this prison.

"Let's keep this up, everyone. The cafeteria can't be too far from here," I said. We turned a corner and landed face first into a group of walkers.

"Oh, Jesus Christ, MOVE!" I screamed. We broke formation and ran. Maggie and Glenn split off. Hershel ran after them.

"Hershel, NO!" I yelled. He ignored me and ran. We took off after him. We heard a moan and a scream. That couldn't be good.

What I saw nearly made me puke up my breakfast. A walker was taking a bite out of Hershel's leg. I quickly put an arrow through the walkers head. Then, we dragged Hershel to a room.

That room happened to be the cafeteria.

"I've gotta take it off, Hershel. It's the only way to keep you alive!" Rick said with regret. He raised the axe but before he could bring it down on Hershel's leg, a new voice spoke.

"Holy shit," It said. I whipped around and held up my crossbow. Behind a window stood five men. Five prisoners. Five survivors.

For now, they were named Huge McTallGuy, Mustache, Shorty, Mexico, and Tough-Guy.

"Who the hell are you?" Mustache asked. "Don't look like no rescue team."

"If you're waiting for a rescue team, you're wasting your time!" I snapped. Hershel screamed suddenly. Rick had successfully hacked his leg off.

Mexico raised a revolver at us. Daryl and I raised our crossbows. "No need to go down that path," I hissed.

Glenn rolled a cart over to us. We put Hershel on it and wheeled off.

We reached the cell block. I ran ahead. "Carl!" I yelled to the young boy. "Open the door!" Carl unlocked the gate. Beth looked at me with fear glistening in her innocent eyes.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"Hershel was bit!" I panted. Beth let out a cry.

"What?!" Lori gasped.

"Rick chopped his leg off, but he's bleeding out!" I explained just as the rets of my team rolled the injured man in.

"Nico, Daryl, stay outside the block. The prisoners followed us. If they try anything, don't hesitate to kill them," Rick said.

Damn, Officer Friendly has gone cold. Daryl and I nodded and walked outside the cell block to greet our new friends.

"Cell Block C," Mexico started. "That's mine, gringo."

"Names. What are your names?" I pressed.

"Axel," Mustache answered.

"Big Tiny," Huge McTallGuy said. How goddamn ironic.

"Andrew," Shorty said.

"Oscar," Tough-Guy said.

"Tomas," Mexico said in a flirty way. "How 'bout you and me blow this joint and go have some fun?"

I laughed. "Oh, I think I'm gonna kill one now, just for the heck of it!" I lunged but Daryl held me back.

"Today's your lucky day, fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia!" Daryl said.

"Cell Block C, let me in!" Tomas hissed.

"Man, we're free to go! The hell we still doin' here?" Axel asked.

"You're man's right. Good luck out there," I said.

"Whattya mean?" Big Tiny asked. "I gotta see my old lady!"

I gaped at them. Did they honestly not know?

"It's gone," T-Dog said, suddenly appearing by us. "Society's fallen."

"What?! You got a cell phone or something I can use to call my family?" Axel asked.

"Man, don't you get it? It's gone. There's no cell phones, no computer, no Internet! It's all gone. The world has gone to shit. This is the apocalypse."



A/N: So, the group has taken the prison!


1. Will there be a certain "consequence" from Nico and Daryl's night behind the bus?

2. Will the prisoners become one of them?

3. Is Carl jealous of Daryl?

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