Secret Revealed

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Setting: Hershel's Farm, Season Two 

I woke up groaning. Someone was shaking me violently.

"Nico! Wake up!" Someone cried. I opened my eyes to see a blurry silhouette. That silhouette was Lori. A sharp pain tanged in my side. I looked down to see a shard of glass buried deep in my abdomen.

Damn, nature has it out for me. That's when I noticed the walker eating its way through the glass of the window. Its rotting skin was being ripped off. I looked at the shard in my side. I grimaced and pulled it out.

Blood squirted everywhere, but I ignored it. I took the shard and jammed it into the walker's skull. Another one was circling the car.

"Lori, we have to get out of here," I panicked.

"You're in no condition to go anywhere!" She exclaimed.

"I've been through worse," I grunted. Two headlights appeared.

I've never been happier to see Shane Walsh in my life.

"Well, you look like you're in a bit of a pickle!" Shane joked. And I'm no longer happy to see him.

"Are Rick, Glenn, and Hershel back?" Lori asked desperately. Shane hesitated.

"Yep. They got back just before I left," Shane assured.

"Oh, thank God," Lori sighed. We piled into Shane's car and drove back to the farm.


We arrived and Carl ran into his mom's arms.

"Oh, thank God!" Andrea cried with relief.

"Where's Glenn? I want to talk to him," I asked. I needed to speak about Maggie to him. T-Dog looked confused.

"They haven't returned yet," He said. My jaw dropped. Shane lied?!

"You asshole!" Lori yelled.

"I had to keep you both safe! I had to keep your baby safe!" Shane cried, looking at Lori.


Lori was pregnant?! T-Dog looked at me and his eyes widened.

"Nico, what the hell?!" He yelled. I looked down at my side. A huge blood stain was forming at my side.

"Oh yeah," I chuckled deliriously. "Forgot about that..."

I felt my knees hit the ground. Someone screamed. Then the world went dark.


I woke up in a bedroom. A new bandage was on my hip. I rolled and groaned. Maggie walked in and when she saw me awake she gave me a big smile.

"Daryl!" She's awake!" She yelled. My favorite redneck appeared in the doorway. His eyes grew brighter (if that was even possible) when he saw me. Maggie left us alone.

He jumped on the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Danger has a way of finding you," He whispered in my ear.

"I know! I swear, it's in love with me," I joked. He pouted. Holy crap, Daryl Dixon pouting is the cutest thing ever!

"Well, it can't be in love with you any more than I love you," He whispered huskily. His lips planted on mine. We moved in sync. As cliché as it sounded, he was my everything. After losing my parents, my brother, my best friend.

Daryl was always there.

His lips moved down to my neck and started sucking. I was tough, but clearly not tough enough. I felt him smile at my weakness.

Damn you, Daryl Dixon.

Moments passed and both of us were practically naked.

"What are y'all doing?" A voice asked.

"Shane, I swear to God-" I looked up to see that the intruder was not Shane.

"CARL?! Dammit!" Daryl screamed. I snorted. For a tough guy, Daryl is one heck of a little girl.

"Rick sent me. They're back. And they have a prisoner," Carl said.

I swung my feet over the bed, tugged a shirt on, and grabbed my crossbow, which was propped up against the wall.

This was going to be interesting.


Daryl and I ran outside to see Glenn, Hershel, and Rick had returned.

"Who the hell is that?" T-Dog asked, pointing to the car. There was a boy who didn't look older than seventeen. He was blindfolded and his leg was bleeding something fierce.

He looked familiar. I felt funny. Either this guy was a threat or I was going to throw up.

"Patricia, prepare the barn for surgery!" Hershel said. Rick removed the boy's blindfold.

I could feel the blood drop from my face.

This boy had to die.

He knew my biggest secret, heck, it could cost me my life. The group would no longer trust me. I noticed a small revolver in Rick's back pocket. I ran to it, grabbed it, and pointed it at the boy.

I primed the weapon and put my finger on the trigger.

"Nico, what are you doing?!" Rick yelled. I couldn't hesitate. Not this time. Strong arms grabbed me and pulled me away.

"NO!" I screamed. "NO! HE HAS TO DIE! LET ME!"

"Get the kid inside!" Rick yelled. I saw them drag the boy away. Daryl threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and put me in the RV. He grabbed some handcuffs and cuffed me to the bed.

"What are you doing?! Let me go?!" I screamed.

"It's for your own good," He muttered and walked away. No. No way in hell was I letting that kid get away again.

I huffed and licked my teeth. Wait. I still had braces. How the hell- never mind. I noticed some tweezers on the table. Using my free hand, I grabbed them and started pulling the wires out. I worked on the brackets. I folded the wires to make a lock-pick.

I picked at the handcuffs and freed my hand. I was absolutely livid at Daryl for confining me like that. I rubbed my wrist then peeked out the door. It was a straight shot to the woods. I needed to hunt. I needed to kill.

I had hidden something in the RV before we left Atlanta. I opened the floorboards and pulled out an assault rifle with a silencer. When I didn't have my crossbow, this baby was the weapon I came to.

I ran for the woods. Once I was deep in, I cried bloody murder. About a dozen walkers came out of the trees. In pure rage, I shot every single one of them down.

I was bloodthirsty. I stabbed one of the walkers chest and covered my hands in it's blood. Careful not to get any in my mouth, I rubbed some on my face. I remembered that Daryl once came out of the woods with ears around his neck.

I sliced off the walkers fingers and put them on a string. I wrapped them around my neck. Heck, I didn't look too bad.


*Daryl's POV*

I went in the RV to check on Nico.

"Hey, Nico, I'm sorry, but-" I looked around to see Nico wasn't cuffed. She was gone. And God knows where!

"Oh hell no!" I yelled and ran out to look for my girl.


A/N Sooo, Nico went a little insane...



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