Rick vs. Pete

484 20 2

Setting: Alexandria, Season Five

*Nico's POV*

Rick and I approach Jessie, who's sitting in her garage, smoking a cigarette.

"Jessie," Rick makes himself known. 

"Hey," Jessie greets us and puts the cigarette out. "I don't want Ron and Sam to know about those."

"Well, you're secrets safe," Rick promises. 

"Noah was a sweet kid," Jessie says. "But Tara, she's-- she's in good hands with Pete."

"He's hitting you," I get straight to the point. "He's hurting you. It has to stop."

"It will," Jessie promises. 

"How?" Rick asks.

"Jessie," I start. "I'm a victim of childhood abuse. My father used to beat me while my mother stood and watched. I understand what's going on here on a very personal level."

"There are things in his life that happened," Jessie explains. 

"We don't care," Rick says. 

"Look, it was like this before and he got help," Jessie says. "I helped him and things were good. I can fix it."

"No, you can't," Rick says. "But I can." 

"No, what... what can you do?" Jessie asks. "What are you gonna do? Your gonna put him in jail? You're only gonna make things worse!"

"If it's gotten worse, it means he's killed you," I say. "Believe me, my father got me very close to that point."

"That's what's next," Rick confirms. "And I'm not gonna let that happen."

"Why do you care?" Jessie asks. "Why is this so important to you? I understand Nico's reason for being here, but not yours. Now? You've made it. You have a home for your kids. Rick, what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to help," Rick says. 

"I don't know that," Jessie argues. "I'm married. Okay? I can take care of myself. We have to take care of ourselves." With that, she storms out of the garage. 

Rick and I walk away. I take a scope around. There's a woman reading by the gates, a boy walking his dog, and elderly folks chatting. I notice Rick is getting very tense. He starts speed-walking away.

"Rick!" I call. He turns to me.

"Don't do anything you'll regret," I say.

"I won't. Trust me," Rick promises. He turns and runs back into Jessie's house. I sit on the curb and wait for the fireworks. 

Sure enough, Pete and Rick fly out of the front window, wrestling each other.

"And the other shoe drops," I mutter to myself. 

Rick manages to get the upper hand and slams Pete against the asphalt. A crowd begins to gather. 

Pete socks Rick across the jaw knocking him over. I notice Carl and that girl, Enid. 

"Carl, stay back!" I yell. Pete rolls Rick over and starts strangling him. 

He crosses the line when Jessie tries to pull him off Rick and punches her in the face. Now, I'm pissed. I slam my body against Pete's, knocking him off Rick. I straddle his chest and punch him over and over and over again. 

Pete's hands wrap around my neck, but he doesn't faze me. Rick pulls me off Pete and starts strangling him.

"Stop it!" Deanna exclaims. I rub my neck and cough. Carl runs over and wraps his arms around me. 

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now