A Little "Chat"

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Setting: Hershel's Farm, Season Two

I stalked back to camp. I wouldn't be surprised if Andrea tried to shoot me.

Oh looky, Rick, Shane, and Daryl running at me with guns.

"Wow. You guys really suck at telling the difference between a human and a walker," I hissed. Daryl walked up to me with a concern look on his face.

"Nico, we're worried about you! How did you get so much blood on you?! Are you bit?" He bombarded me with questions.

"I'm not bit. I was hunting walkers. Got a little bloody," I laughed. Daryl looked at my finger necklace.

"Oh hell no," He said and pulled the strings off me. "We are not going down that road."

"Nico, if you know this kid, you should go interrogate him with Daryl," Rick suggested. I liked the sound of that. Daryl and I walked off to the barn.

"We're totally gonna beat the crap out of him, right?" I asked with a smirk.

"That's my girl," Daryl said as he kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand. We reached the barn and I threw the doors open. The boy was blindfolded. I ripped off the blindfold and stared him in the eyes.

"Hey, buddy! Remember me?" I taunted him. His eyes widened.

"Oh, no! Please, no! I never told anyone! I swear I didn't!" He panicked.

"I never got your name!" I hissed. "I've also learned not to hesitate!"

"Ok, ok! My name's Randall!" The kid cried.

"Daryl here is going to ask you some questions. I suggest you cooperate."


"Man, I told you everything!" Randall cried.

"You told me shit!" Daryl yelled and swung a fist at him. Daryl reached into his pocket and pulled out a hunting knife with a cruel blade.

"Oh, no, man, come on! I'm trying to cooperate!" Randall squirmed.

"You ever peel a scab?" Daryl taunted and dug his blade into Randall's scar. "You start slow at first but eventually you gotta rip it off."

"Ok, ok! Our camp has thirty men. We have big guns. Automatics." Randall said in a panic. Daryl punched him again, knocking him out. We sat in the rafters.

"Ok, where the hell did you get an assault rifle?!" Daryl asked.

"I've had it for a while. I hid it in Dale's RV."

"Ok, what were you doing out in the woods?"

"Taking my anger out on some walkers."

"Why do you want Randall dead?"

"Because he watched me kill my parents."

Daryl's eyes widened. "I'm not going to question you. Just c'mere," He said and pulled me into a hug. I lifted my chin and pressed my lips against his. I rested my head on his strong chest. I felt my eyes grow heavy and eventually, I closed them, allowing a deep sleep to overtake me.


"Hey! Velcro couple! Wake up, ya dumbasses!" Someone shouted. I opened my eyes, blinked a few times, and saw the face of no other than Shane Walsh.

"Shane! What the- how long were we out?!" I asked groggily and shook Daryl violently. "Wake up!"

Daryl twitched and opened his eyes. "Wha-? Shane, Jesus Christ, CAN YOU NOT?!"

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