You Came Back

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Setting: The Prison, Season Three

*Nico's POV*

I have the gas pedal down fully. As we drive farther, the gunshots get louder. Then, they stop completely. I stop the bike.

"Hold on, this isn't right," I mumble.

"Do you hear that?" Maggie whispers. I listen carefully. The sound of an approaching vehicle enters my ears.

"Ah, shit," I mutter and drive the bike into the woods, so not to be seen. A white and red van passes. I take a look at the man in the driver's seat. It's Martinez, from Woodbury.

"Oh Christ!" Maggie hisses. "It was the Governor!"

"That means we need to get back as soon as possible!" I say. I start the bike and we keep driving.

Thoughts race through my head. I think of everyone back at the prison.











The people I considered my family could very well be dead. Maggie must've noticed I tensed up because she grips my shoulder.

"Whatever it is, we'll get through it," she assures me. I nod shakily. We turn a corner and the prison stands before us.

What we see is enough to make a person sick.

The field we once had is now filled with walkers. That sick bastard didn't even bother killing us, he just filled the field with walkers.

The gates are torn down.

"Hang on, Mags!" I exclaim over the roar of my bike. We drive right through the walkers. I notice Rick waving us over to the gated part of the prison. Thank the bejesus he's alright! I stop the bike and the group runs to us.

Glenn runs to Maggie and holds her. He holds my shoulder. "Thank you for keeping her safe," he says. I just nod. I am absolutely speechless.

Rick runs over to me and hugs me tightly. Carl joins the hug. I hug everyone except for Axel. Then, I notice his body on the ground. God dammit.

"Guys, I have an announcement!" I say.

"Wonderful, Nico, but first shouldn't you tell-" Rick starts but I stop him.

"No, I need to tell you while I still can. Everyone, I'm... I'm pregnant," I announce. Everyone falls silent.

"Why didn't you let me finish?" Rick groans. "I was going to say that whatever your announcement was, you should tell Daryl first!"


Rick points to the Dixon brothers, who are standing a ways away.

That son of a bitch. How dare he come back! I start running towards him. He looks happy at first, but when he sees my murderous expression, he turns around and runs.

I cut him off and clock him square in the nose. He falls to the ground.

"Asshole!" I scream at him. I turn to Merle. "Nice to see you too," I grumble.

"Did you get the showers working?" I yell. Rick nods.

"Good, 'cause imma take one!" I say. I walk into the prison, turn a few corners and find the shower block.

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now