Wounds Heal, Scars Are Forever

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Setting: Hershel's Farm, Season Two

I felt horrible. It was my fault Hayden was dead. Maybe if I had run after him, he'd be ok. But nooo, I just had to be a total selfish bitch and run away.

Daryl had been avoiding me. It hurt. I was sitting by the RV when Lori ran over.

"Nico! It's Beth! She's in shock! She just collapsed and we can't find Hershel!" She cried.

"What the crap?" I yelled and ran into the farmhouse. Beth was in a bed. She was alive but unconscious. Rick was in the room.  

Shane also came in. Oh boy, he was totally my favorite guy at the moment. Rick started rooting through drawers.

"Your stepmother's things?" He asked Maggie.

"He was so sure she'd recover, they'd just pick up where they left off," Maggie said sadly. Shane picked a hip flask off the table.

"Looks like he found an old friend," He said.

"That belonged to my grandfather. He gave it to Dad when he died," Maggie explained.

"I didn't take Hershel for a drinker," Rick said.

"No, he gave it up on the day I was born. He didn't even allow liquor in the house," Maggie said.

"Maybe he picked up the old habit. I'll bet Daryl's left testicle that he went to a bar," I said. Maggie looked at me weirdly for such a strange bet.

"Glenn and I will go look for him," Rick announced. I nodded. He went off to find Glenn. Maggie and I were alone in Beth's room. Beth seemed to be sleeping soundly. I quickly checked her vitals. They seemed normal.

"I told Glenn I love him," Maggie blurted out suddenly. Ok, what?! I know that Glenn and Maggie were together and they something happened in the pharmacy.

"Ok, what did he say back?" I asked.

"Nothing. He just kinda walked away," Maggie said with her head hanging. Wow. That was real jerky of Glenn.

"Hey. Glenn's a guy. It usually takes guys longer for this stuff. I'm gonna be honest- the moment I met Daryl, I wanted to jump on him. It took him about a week to even call me his best friend," I said. Maggie giggled.

"Not that it matters. I think Daryl's been avoiding me ever since the whole barn thing," I said. Maggie put her arms around me.

"Boys are stupid," She said.

"Amen sister."


I had to talk to Daryl. I just had to. I walked over to his isolated tent. He looked at me and grunted.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Just tell me what I did wrong," I stated. He looked at me confusingly.

"Whattya mean?"

"You've been avoiding me ever since I put Hayden down. Why?"

"It's not that."

"Then what?"

"Nico, why didn't you tell me Shane tried to rape you?!"

I froze. Holy shit. I actually didn't tell him. I honestly thought it would blow over. But Shane has been giving me "I want you eyes" ever since.

"I didn't think-" I started.

"Yeah, you're not good at that," He scoffed.

"Daryl, you're acting like I wanted Shane to touch me! He's a creep and a pervert! C'mon!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah? You got a funny way of showin' otherwise!" Daryl snapped. Then I noticed Lori walking up to us. She looked at Daryl.

"Listen. Beth's in some catatonic shock. We need Hershel," She said.

"Yeah. So what?" Daryl grunted.

"So I need you to run in to town real quick and bring him and Rick back. Daryl?" Lori asked.

"Your bitch went window-shopping. You want him? Fetch him yourself. I got better things to do," Daryl snapped rudely.

"What's the matter with you? Why would you be so selfish?" Lori complained.

"Selfish? Listen to me, Olive Oyl. I was out there looking for that little girl every single day. I took an arrow and a bullet in the process. Don't you me about getting my hands dirty! You want those two idiots? Have a nice ride. I'm done looking for people," Daryl yelled and walked back into his tent.

Why was he so pissed? We found Sophia. Lori looked so broken. Rick could be dead for all we know. I sighed and walked into the tent.

"You're not selfish. I love you," I whispered and pecked his lips. He didn't move. I sighed and walked out of the tent.

"Lori. You want Rick? I'll come with you," I offered. Lori smiled and we walked to her car.


We were a couple miles from the farm. Lori pulled out the map.

"Lori maybe I should do it," I offered. She should focus on the road.

"Really Nico? What idiot would get into a wreck on an empty road?" She laughed. I rolled my eyes. Seriously, what was up with this woman.

A walker walked right in front of the car. "LORI WATCH OUT!" I screamed. Lori gasped and hit the walker. The car swerved and did a barrel role. Something sharp pierced my side and I blacked out.


*Daryl's POV*

Stupid bitches. They don't know crap, neither of them. Does Nico think that I wouldn't care if Shane tried to rape her?

"They've been gone too long. I'm going to look for them," I heard Shane announce. Oh hell no. Shane wasn't going anywhere near my girl. Just as Shane reached for the car door, I grabbed his arm.

"What do you want, redneck?" Shane spat.

"Listen. I've seen the way you look at Lori. You drag Nico into that, I'll stomp your ass into the ground," I hissed.

"Whatever. I think we both know who Nico really wants," Shane sniggered.

"Yeah. You should be disappointed," I smirked.

"Oh, BURN!" A small voice yelled. It was Carl. Shane scowled and got in the car. When he was out of sight, I held up my hand to Carl.

"Gimme some, buddy," I said. He smiled and high-fived me.

I'm actually starting to like that kid.

But Shane had one point about something.

Lori and Nico had been gone too long for my liking.



A/N Kind of a small chapter. In the series, nothing really exciting happens for a few episodes so my writing might be a little on the filler side for a bit. Anyhooo, Carl in that last part tho. XD


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