Safe Haven Turned to Ashes

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Setting: Escaping Hershel's Farm, Season Two
A/N  I will be switching between Daryl and Nico's POVs in this chapter

*Daryl's POV*

Glenn and I returned. We had found Randall alright, but he had turned. Funny thing is, he wasn't bit or scratched. His neck was snapped.

We sat on the porch with the rest of the group. I looked over beyond the barn. What I saw nearly made me piss my pants.

"Oh crap," I mumbled. A huge herd of walkers was headed our way.

"Patricia, kill the lights!" Hershel hissed.

"I'll get the guns," Andrea exclaimed.

"Maybe they'll just pass like the herd on the highway. Should we just go inside?" Glenn suggested.

"Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs I don't know about. Herd that size will rip the house down," I pointed out.

Lori came running to us in a frenzy. "I can't find Carl!" She cried.

"Isn't Nico watching him?" Glenn asked.

"She's gone!" Lori gasped. WHAT?!

"Whattya mean she's gone?!" I yelled.

"I told her to watch Carl, but they're both gone! The window was wide open!" Lori cried.

"They must've gone after Rick!" Maggie gasped. Of course. That girl can't stay away from danger.

Suddenly, the barn was engulfed in flames.


*Nico's POV*

My legs were screaming. My lungs were dry. But I had to keep running.

"Get in the barn!" Rick yelled. Carl and I swiftly turned and entered the barn.

"There's gasoline in here!" I exclaimed. Rick's eyes lit up. He tossed Carl a lighter.

"Drop it when I say so!" Rick instructed. Carl scrambled up into the hay loft and I dumped gasoline everywhere. I joined Carl in the loft.

Rick let the walkers in and ran up the loft.

"Now!" He yelled. Carl turned the lighter on and dropped it. The barn floor was soon engulfed in flames. The three of us hopped out the window to see Jimmy in the RV pulling up.

"Come on!" He yelled. We made our way down to the RV just to see walkers overrun it. Jimmy's screams echoed through the night.

I had to find Daryl. There was no way in hell I was leaving him.

"Rick! I need to find Daryl!" I yelled.

"Nico! No!" He yelled, but I was running off. I noticed some tracks on the ground. Motorcycle tracks! Daryl must've gone this way! I took off running.


*Daryl's POV*

It was getting bad. We would have to ditch the farm. I noticed Lori getting into a car with Beth and T-Dog. Without her own son.

Lori fails at being a mother.

I heard a scream. The scream of a little girl. Sophia and Carol were being chased by walkers. I hopped on my bike and rode over to them.

"C'mon! We don't got all day!" I yelled. The two squeezed themselves on my bike and we rode off into the woods.

"What about Nico?" Sophia asked.

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now