Daryl Dixon

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Setting: The quarry, Season One

I woke up and decided to get some food. And I don't mean the fish Amy and Andrea brought in. I was going hunting. I grabbed my crossbow and walked out. Sophia and Carl were sitting on a rock, talking to each other. They looked at me.

"Hey Nico! Where are you going?" Carl asked me.

"Hunting. You can come if you like. Just stay quiet," I offered. They looked at each other. Excitement gleamed in there eyes as they followed me into the woods. They were pretty good, considering they've never done this before. I saw a deer and started following it quietly.

"Shh," I hushed the kids. They nodded and crouched down. I looked through my scope and took my aim. I pulled the trigger. ZING! The deer fell down, dead. "BAZINGA!" I yelled triumphantly. "That was so cool!" Sophia exclaimed. But something wasn't right.

There were two arrows in the deer. My orange one and someone else's green one. "Oh HELL no!" I exclaimed. "Someone's been tracking my deer!" I turned around and kicked a rock. "C'mon kids, lets head back-" I was interrupted by Carl's scream. I turned around and saw a walker eating at my deer.

"SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled and sliced its head off with my machete. Members from the group appeared behind me.

"Oh my God what happened?!" Lori yelled as Carl ran into her arms. Sophia ran into Carol's. "That walker! It ate Nico's deer!" She cried.

I heard a twig snap. Another walker? "Everyone stay back!" I commanded and raised my bow. I looked through the scope. It wasn't a walker. Just a very good-looking redneck.

Did I seriously just think that? I looked at his bow. The arrows were green. He looked at the deer. "Dammit! Tha' was ma deer! Stupid, motherless, disease-bearing, proxy bastard!" He yelled and kicked the deer. No. Way. "I believe you mean my deer? I shot that down! Look! This is my arrow!" I retorted. Lori gasped. 

"Oh my God. She just stuck up to Daryl."

"She's a total badass!"

"They're made for each other!"

The whispers went on. "Wait, wait, wait! This is Daryl?!" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm Daryl. And you better watch your mouth, missy!" He snapped.

"Back off, redneck! And I'll be taking my deer thanks!" I snapped back.

"You li'l-" Daryl started, but I wasn't interested. I shoved him. Big mistake. Daryl shoved me back. I tripped over a rock and landed stomach first on a log. The wind was knocked out of me. I couldn't breathe. I lifted my shirt to see a big bruise forming.

"You asshole!" Shane yelled and helped me up. I coughed up some bile and wiped my mouth on my sleeve.

"Get her to the tent!" Lori yelled and Shane nodded. He carried me to his tent and checked my bruise.

"I'm no doctor, but I wouldn't get up for a little bit. Get some rest," He said and patted my shoulder.

"Shane..." I started. "Can you... stay with me for a while?" He smiled and nodded.


*Daryl's POV*

What the hell did I just do?! I just injured a girl over damn deer that was worth nothing now! I grabbed my squirrels and walked into camp. "Hey Merle! Get yer ass out here, I've got some squirrel! Let's stew 'em up!" I called to my brother.

No response. "Merle?" I called again. A new guy walked up to me. "Daryl, we need to talk," He said.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Rick Grimes."

"Rick Grimes," I mocked. "You got something you wanna tell me?"

"Your brother was a danger to the group, so I handcuffed him to a roof," Rick explained.

"Hold on, let me process this. You sayin' you handcuffed my brother to a roof? And you left him there?!" I yelled. I was beyond pissed. I threw my squirrels on the ground and lunged at Rick. Shane grabbed me and put me into a headlock.

"Hey, choke hold's illegal!" I yelled.

"Well, you can file a complaint!" Shane countered

"Stop it!" A voice yelled. I saw that new girl come out of Shane's tent. The hell? What the crap did she see in that pervert?

Hold up.

Was I jealous? No! I just know that I could do things that Shane couldn't- ACK! NO! BAD DIXON! VERY BAD DIXON!

"Nico, how can you side with him after what he did to you?" Shane hissed.

"He just lost his brother for God's sake!" She yelled at him and proceeded to help me up. Surprisingly, I didn't push away. "C'mon Daryl," She started. "Lets go."

"Go where?"

"To get your brother back."

"That's insane!" Shane argued. "No way you're risking your life for a douchebag like Merle Dixon!"

"Hey, you better choose your words more carefully!" I snapped.

"No, douchebag's what I meant," Shane retorted.

"I don't give two craps what you think, Shane! I'm going to save Daryl's brother. Rick, Glenn, T-Dog, you know Atlanta well. You comin'?" She asked.

Rick, Glenn and T-Dog nodded. Lori shook her head, "Rick, no,"

"But Dad, you just got back!" Carl objected. "I don't want you to go."

"I'll be fine, Carl. Don't worry, I'll come back," Rick said calmly and hugged his son.

The five of us got in the truck. Glenn and Rick in the front, T-Dog sat on a box between them, and Daryl and I were in the back. Rick ignited the engine and we were off.

Back to walker infested Atlanta. Yippee.

Little did I know, I was going to lose something big trying to save Daryl Dixon's brother.

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