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Setting: The Prison, Season Three

*Daryl's POV*

I found her knife. Carol's knife was wedged in the neck of a walker. This is proof that she's alive. Carl and Oscar went back to the cell block a few minutes ago. I'm sitting in front of the door with the weak walker in it.

I drive the knife into the cement ground. With every bang that walker made, I get even more frustrated.

Dammit, Carol, where the hell are you?!

I drive the knife into the wall behind me and stand up. This walker had gotten on my last nerve. I kick the door angrily and start to walk away. I turn back and remove the walker blocking the door.

I swing the door open, my knife ready to be driven into a walker's skull. 

I don't find a walker.

Instead, I find Carol. She looks at me. I take her chin in my hand as her eyes flutter shut. I pick her up and carry her bridal style into the cell block. The block is empty. I leave Carol in a cell and sit down.


*Nico's POV*

I don't think I have ever been this frightened. Merle's gonna want some sweet revenge for knocking him on his worthless ass. I can hear him talking to Glenn in the other room.

I'm tied to a chair in front of a large table, waiting for something to happen.

He's talking about Maggie. He's tormenting Glenn. He's tormenting my best friend.

Merle and I might as well be brother and sisters. Hell, we're both two assholes and both would die for Daryl.


I promised him I would come back. I promised him.

I hear Glenn groan in the room to my left. I hear Maggie whimper in the room to my right. It's too much for me.

The dam breaks. Everything I've held inside me since we found the prison just comes out.

I hear a loud thump and Merle grunts. I figure Glenn must've punched him or something. I continue to cry. I cry Daryl's name.

Thumps and bumps come from Glenn's room. Merle's beating him down. Maggie is also crying. I scream.

"Let them go, damn you! Just let them go! It's me you want!" I scream. I don't get a response.

The door opens. In steps a handsome middle-aged man. He smiles evilly at me.

"Hi," he says. "I'm the Governor. But you can call me your new master."

This did not sound good whatsoever.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" he asks in a sickening tone. I keep my mouth firmly shut. The Governor walks behind me, grabs my hair, and pulls my face back.

"I asked you a question," he hisses. "Now, you answer or I'll put a knife in that Chinese boy's head."

"Two things," I whisper cockily. "My name is Nico. And Glenn's Korean."

The Governor smiles. "Normally, I'd have my way with you," he rasps. My heart starts pounding. "But I think farm girl is more my taste."

"If you touch Maggie-" I start but his hand clasps over my mouth.

"Shh," he shushes me. "I'm not going to have my way with you. You should feel lucky."

He cackles. "Actually, scratch that. I will have my way with you. But not today. In case you escape, I need to tag you." He pulls out a long hunting knife. He throws me over the table.

I scream as I feel the blade plunge into my skin.


*Daryl's POV*

I hear Rick's voice. "Carl, get a blanket, water and a towel!"

"Here!" I hear Carl say.

"She's not coming in the cell block," Rick says again. The hell's going on?

"Rick?" I call. I see a dark-skinned woman on the floor. Rick turns to me.

"Who the hell's this?" I ask. Rick turns to the woman.

"You wanna tell us your name?" he asks. The woman doesn't answer.

"You wanna tell us your name?" Rick repeats. The woman still doesn't answer.

"Rick, come in here," I say.

"Everything alright?" he asks.

"You're gonna wanna see this," is all I say. Beth, Hershel, and Carl walk into the cell block. Rick holds up the woman's sword.

"We'll keep this safe and sound," he says calmly. "The door's are all locked; you'll be safe here. And we can treat your wound."

The woman frowns and finally speaks. "I didn't ask for your help."

"Doesn't matter," Rick says and walks with me into the cell block. I take Rick to Carol's cell. When he sees her, his eyes soften.

Carol smiles and stands up. Rick smiles and envelopes Carol in a hug. She then hugs Hershel.

"Poor thing fought her way into a cell," I start. "Passed out."

Carol smiles widely when she sees L'il Ass-Kicker. Her smile drops when she sees the look in Rick's eyes. Tears well in her eyes and she holds Rick's cheek. Carl whimpers.

It's good to have her back.


*Nico's POV*

I'm lying on the table in agony. The Governor cut me. He cut my back. I don't know what to do. I'm in so much pain. The door opens again. I can't do this again.

"Please. I can't do this anymore. Just kill me," I plead. I look up to see not the Governor, but Merle. His eyes aren't crazy anymore.

They're sympathetic.

"I heard you crying my baby brother's name," he says. "Anything going on between you two?"

I nod. "I love him and he loves me. And I promised him I'd come back." I start crying again. He walks text to me and takes my chin in his hand.

"I ain't gonna hurt you," he whispers. I scoff.

"I deserve it. I knocked you on your ass in Atlanta."

"When somebody beats me down, they either get their legs broke, or they earn my respect. You, my friend, have earned my respect," he says. "And if what you say about my brother loving you, then that makes me your brother. And I would do anything for my family."

I crack a smile. He crouches to my level.

"Nico, I'm getting you out of here."


A/N: Two chapters in one day! *Pats self on back*


1) Will Merle succeed in helping Nico escape?

2) How will the group back at the prison deal with this new visitor?

3) Will Glenn and Maggie escape too?



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