I Can't Live Without You

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Setting: Hershel's Farm, Season Two

*Rick's POV*

Nico and Carl were looking at the deer. Then the gunshot rang out and they both fell to the ground.

"No... NO!" I screamed, not giving a damn if every walker in the country had heard me. A man came out of the woods, holding a rifle.

"Oh God! I didn't see them! I swear!" He said in a hurry.

"Shut up and tell us where we can get help!" Shane yelled as he picked up Nico. I picked up Carl. My only child.

"Hershel Greene! He has a farm and medical experience! He can help them both!" The man said. I nodded.

We ran and ran. Carl was bleeding out on my shirt. We found the farm. A girl stood up and screamed for her father. An elderly man walked out.

"Is he bit?" He asked.

"He was shot! The girl was too!" I yelled.

"Bring them inside! Patricia, I need towels! Maggie, get the IV bag!" He yelled.

I laid Carl down on a bed. He was still out cold. Shane placed Nico beside my son.

"My son has been shot and my wife doesn't know. My wife doesn't know," I started crying.

"I can get her. Just tell me where she is!" The eldest daughter, Maggie, said.

"Nico's gonna need blood! Does anyone here have O Negative? It's rare!" Hershel announced. Something jogged my memory. At the CDC, Jenner let me look at the blood tests. I noticed Daryl and Nico had the same blood type.

"Daryl! Daryl Dixon! He's with my wife! He can give her blood!" I yelled. Maggie nodded and ran to the horse stables. I saw her ride off.

Please. Come back soon.


*Daryl's POV*

"We all heard the gunshot, Lori," Glenn said.

"Yes, but why only one?" Lori asked.

"Maybe they took down a walker?" I suggested, knowing that it wasn't the case.

"Don't patronize me! Rick nor Shane wouldn't risk using a gun on a walker! And Nico would've taken it down with her crossbow!" Lori exclaimed.

To be honest, I was starting to panic. What if Nico was hurt? My thoughts were interrupted by Andrea's screams. A walker had pinned her down. We ran to her but a girl on a horse beat us to it. She knocked the walker down with a baseball bat.

"Lori? Lori Grimes?" She started talking.

"I'm Lori!" Lori said.

"You need to come with me! Rick sent for you! There's been an accident. Carl's been shot!" The girl rambled. Lori didn't say anything as she hopped onto the horse.

"Hey, hold on! We don't know this girl!" I yelled.

"Daryl, please! Its my son!" Lori pleaded. The girl looked at me.

"Daryl? Daryl Dixon?" She asked.

"What's it to ya?" I snapped.

"You also have to come with me. Nico was standing right behind Carl when he was shot. The bullet went straight through him and came to a stop in her abdomen. She needs blood, fast!" The girl said. I hopped onto the horse too. It was tight but I gave zero craps.

Nico was dying. And the last thing I said to her was that I should've let her die. I've already lost my brother. I can't lose my best friend.


We arrived at the farm. Lori ran into Rick's arms. We ran into the farm. Lori nearly passed out when she saw her son. I looked at the bed next to Carl's and nearly had a panic attack.

Nico's face was whiter than snow. I placed two fingers next to her neck. I sighed with relief when I heard a pulse. A tall brunette walked in.

"I need to hook you up so you can give blood," She said. "My name's Maggie." I nodded and let her do her thing. It hurt for a moment but I didn't care. I was going to do anything to save this girl.

My blood travelled through the tube and into her wrist. I'm not sure if I imagined it, but her face seemed to slowly regain it's color.

An elderly man walked in. "Nico's case is much simpler than Carl's. The bullet went through the boy, but fragments were left behind. It came to a full stop in your girlfriend. It is still in one piece, so I can extract it more easily."

Whoa. Did he just call Nico my girlfriend??

"Uh, she's not my... I mean... we're not..." I stammered. To be honest, Nico Dixon had a nice ring to it...

"I'm going to perform the surgery now. It's best to do it while she's asleep. I need you to hold her down," The man, who's name was Hershel, said. I nodded. He took Nico's shirt off, leaving her in her black sports bra. Hershel removed the bandages, revealing a nasty bullet wound.

"She may scream. Its her body's reaction," Hershel warned. Oh God. Nico was going to feel pain in her sleep. Rick and Lori walked in.

I wrapped my arms over her small body to keep her from flailing. Hershel took some tweezers and entered the wound.

She started moaning. Then screaming. Then tears seeped out of her closed eyelids. I couldn't take it.

"Stop! Please stop! You're killing her!" I yelled, tears brimming my eyes.

"Its alright! I have a grip on it!" Hershel said and pulled out a blood-soaked bullet. I grabbed the bullet and threw it at the wall, leaving a blood stain.

"Screw you!" I yelled at the unholy piece of metal. Hershel pulled out a needle and thread.

"Now, I just have to stitch her up," Hershel said. I nodded. Nico squirmed a little. Then she stopped moving. Completely.

"Oh God. She's not moving!" I yelled and place my ear on her chest. "SHE'S NOT BREATHING!"

"Quick! Give her CPR!" Lori screamed. I forced Nico's jaws open and clamped my mouth over hers. I exhaled twice then pumped on her chest.

"No Nico, please!" I cried as I repeated the steps. Suddenly, she coughed and threw up on the floor.

"Holy shit," She hacked. Ignoring the stitches, I wrapped my arms around her tightly. And I mean that. I hugged her like it was going to be my last hour living. I breathed in her scent. A tear fell onto her shoulder.

"Daryl..." She whispered. 

"Yes?" I asked.

"I would not recommend getting shot."







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