Walkers in D

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Setting: The Prison, Season Four

*Daryl's POV*

We return back to the prison immediately after the run. I decide to tell Beth about Zack. It'll be hard, for the both of us. 

I saw how Beth broke down after she found out about Jimmy. I didn't that happening again. 

Beth and I had a strange connection. I felt the need to protect her from harm. I felt the same way I did about Sophia when she went missing. 

I approach her cell and see her lying on her bed, writing in her journal. She looks up at me. 

"Hey," she says nonchalantly. 

"Hi," I mutter. 

"What is it?" Beth inquires. 

I sigh and begin, "Zack."

Beth shifts, "Is he dead?" I look down and then meet her questioning gaze. She rolls over, "Okay." She acts as if it was nothing. Beth gets off the bed and walks to a board that says "This Workplace Has Had Thirty Days Without An Accident." She changes the thirty to zero. 

She notices me staring, "What?" I shrug and shake my head. 

"I don't cry anymore, Daryl," she explains. "I'm just glad I got to know him, you know?" 

"Me too," I say quietly. 

"Are you okay?" Beth asks with concern in her voice. I don't need her to feel concern for me. I'm fine. 

"Just tired of losing people is all," I admit. She walks to me and wraps her arms around my waist, her head pressing against my chest, and her small hands on my back. I don't hug her back and I don't push away. I just place my hands on her elbows. 

I know my limits. 

"I'm glad I didn't say goodbye," Beth says. "I hate goodbyes."

"Me too," I grunt. I'm not sure if I'm into this awkward, sad hugging business. She looks up at me. She has beautiful green eyes. Her eyes dart to my lips, as if she wanted to kiss me. She doesn't. Instead, she lays back down on her bed and continues writing in her journal. 

I walk to me and Nico's cell. She isn't here, probably hanging out with Carl, or Merle, or Harley. 

I slap my forehead. Did I really just think about Beth kissing me?? There are at least three reasons why that would never happen. 

Number one: She's seventeen. Technically, she's still a minor! Last time I checked, that's pedophilia! 

Number two: I care about her the same way I care about Sophia.

Number three: I love Nico and Nico alone! 

"You okay?" someone asks me. I turn around to see Nico standing in our cell. I give a shaky smile. 

"Yeah," I grunt. "Jus' thinkin' about the baby." Nico smiles sympathetically and sits on the bed with me. 

"You'll be a great daddy," she smiles. 

I smirk seductively, "Am I not already?" Nico gasps and smacks my arm. 

"Perv," she mutters. She lays down on the bed and I rest beside her. We slowly fall into a much needed sleep. 


*Next Day*

*Nico's POV*

I wake up to see Daryl snoring softly. He's in an eagle-spread position, his left arm and leg hanging off the bed. I laugh softly at the sight. I kiss the back of his neck, attempting to wake him up gently. 

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now