I Really Like You, Dixon

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Setting: Hershel's Farm, Season Two

*Nico's POV*

So far, things were going pretty great. I was able to leave the bed and walk around. I just had to change the bandages every so often. Carl was less fortunate. He was bed-bound for another week or so.

It was thanks to Shane that Carl had lived. He and the man who shot us, Otis, went to the high school to pick up some respirators. According to Shane's story, Otis had sacrificed himself to the walkers so Shane could get the respirators.

I didn't believe him. If someone sacrifices themselves for you, you don't take their gun. My theory? Shane killed Otis to save Carl.

But that's not important.

Daryl hadn't left me alone. He was always next to me. Once, he even slept next to me. But the craziest thing happened.

I noticed my bandages were starting to smell (Its biology people) so I decided to change them. Hershel noticed me. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to change my bandages. But I'm not very good at it," I admitted.

"I'll help you," A deep, Southern voice spoke behind me.

"Dammit Daryl!" I laughed. We went upstairs and into a bedroom. Daryl grabbed a roll a gauze while I took my shirt off, revealing my bandaged stitches. I sat on the bed and Daryl squatted. He took off the bandages and placed new ones on my injury.

God I love this man.

Wait, what?

Nah, its the truth.

"I really like you, Dixon," I blurted out. His head shot up.

"Well in that case..." He mumbled and pushed me down onto the bed. He climbed on top of me and stared me in the eyes. "I really like you too," He whispered and held the back of my neck. His lips met mine. Soft, tender, peaceful. Then, rough and passionate. My grip tightened on his arm and he laughed.

His lips left mine and travelled down my neck. I bit my lip so hard it started bleeding. Damn, Nico, why you gotta be so obvious?? Daryl kissed me again, getting rid of any blood that was there.

Things had gone down and we were going at it until we were interrupted.

"Hey Nico, do you know where- OH MY GREAT LORD AND JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK?!" Someone screamed. That person was no other than Shane Walsh.

"Hey Shane!" I laughed. "What was your question?"

"Uhh, do you know where Rick is?" He stammered, giving Daryl a death glare.

"Um, I think he's in Carl's room," I said, completely ignoring the fact that Daryl kissing my collarbone.

"Uhh, yeah, thanks!" Shane ran off. Daryl was howling with laughter.

"Now I got him jealous!" He snickered.

"Ha! So you were jealous when Shane and I were talking!" I laughed.

"Stop," He said.


We walked over to our camp, his hand in mine. He gave it a squeeze. "I'm gonna go into the woods again. Maybe this is the day we find that little girl." I nodded and pecked his cheek. He let go of my hand and disappeared into the woods.

Maggie grabbed my arm and pulled me into the farmhouse. "What was that?!" She giggled like a crushing schoolgirl. Maggie and I had become the best of friends.

"So Daryl and I... we have... a thing," I said. I honestly don't know what you would call us. Is dating still a thing?

"Did you guys do the nasty?" Maggie asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"Uh no. We were actually really close but then Shane walked in and RUINED EVERYTHING!" I accidently screamed the last part. Glenn and T-Dog were giving us looks.

"Ooooh! Gossip?" Glenn asked and the two men ran over.

"Yep! Apparently, Nico and Daryl were about to slam dunk and the only reason that didn't happen was because Shane walked in on them!" Maggie teased.

"MAGGIE!!!" I whisper-shouted. T-Dog and Glenn laughed.

"Man, I knew it from the moment they met that they would end up together!" T-Dog said.

"Why, because we are both incredibly sexy and badass?" I asked.

"Ha! So you think he's sexy?!" Glenn pressed.

"Sorry, but have you met the guy? Of course I do!" I laughed.

"Honey, your taste in men astounds me!" Maggie exclaimed. I noticed Glenn was totally checking Mags out.

"Oi, Chinaman! Her eyes are up here!" I yelled. T-Dog hooted with laughter. Maggie's face turned red.

"For the goddamn last time, I'm Korean!" Glenn pouted.  

"Darico!" T-Dog exclaimed.

"Huh?" I asked.

"That's your ship name! I ship it like the goddamn Titanic!" T-Dog yelled.

"We are the Darico Squad!" Maggie laughed. I blushed.

"Guys, c'mon really? You make it sound like we're some stupid Avengers spinoff!" I retorted.

"Oh my God we should totally have superhero names!" Glenn squealed. Oh Jesus Christ.

"Glenn you already have one! Chinaman! Defender of the noodles!" I laughed.

"That's racist!" Glenn exclaimed in fake shock.

"I'm gonna go look for Daryl. See you guys later," I said.


I was searching for that good-looking redneck. I found him crouching at a bush with white flowers.

"Hey, you. Whatcha find?" I asked.

"Cherokee Roses. The story is that when American soldiers were moving Indians off their land on the Trail of Tears, the Cherokee mothers were grieving and crying so much 'cause they were losing their little ones along the way from exposure and disease and starvation. A lot of them just disappeared. So the elders, they said a prayer; asked for a sign to uplift the mothers' spirits, give them strength and hope. The next day this rose started to grow where the mothers' tears fell. I'm not fool enough to think there's any flowers blooming for my brother. But I believe one is blooming for Sophia and Collin. I want to take one to Carol."

"That's sweet," I said and kissed his cheek.

He gave me a look. "Oh c'mere you," He grabbed my waist and pulled me up so my hips were straddling his. he grabbed my chin and brought his lips on mine. He bit my lip. I parted mine, allowing him access.

"I lied when I said I like you, Nico," He said suddenly. I didn't know where this was going.

"I don't like you. I love you," He finished.

"I love you too, you stupid redneck."



A/N D'AWWWWWWW! So T-Dog, Glenn, and Maggie are the MEGA SHIPPERS! And btw: I will be changing things up. This won't go as accordingly to the TV show. It'll be the same basic idea but with some twists. Nothing huge, just little things.


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