You Change Me

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Setting: The Prison

*Harley's POV*

"Steady," Merle says. "Don't wanna scare the game away."

"God, I suck at this," I mutter.

"Don't say that. You're a beginner. We've all started there."

Merle suddenly raised a hand. He pointed to a possum that was feeding. I held up a silenced 44 Magnum Revolver.

"Don't think about it," Merle whispered. "Just point and shoot."

I pull the trigger and the possum falls to the ground.

"Wow," I say in shock. "I did that?"

"You did that," Merle laughs.

"That's nutso!" I exclaim happily.

"Who the hell says nutso anymore?"

"I do!"

I walk up to the dead possum and pick it up. It smells horrible, but I cannot wait to cook it up and eat it. I look at Merle with gratitude. I smile widely and run to him. I wrap my arms around his neck. He flinches and tenses up, but soon relaxes and lazily wraps his arm around me.

"Thank you," I whisper. "You're a good man." Merle suddenly pulls away.

"No, I ain't," he curses at himself. "I've done so many things I regret, before and after." I grip his shoulder tenderly.

"We all have," I say. "We all have."


We make our way back to the prison. Just before we reach the cell block, Rick stops us.

"Wha's goin' on, Officer Friendly?" Merle asks him.  

"You're brother and Nico are at it again!" Rick complains. Merle rolls his eyes.

"Time to break those love birds apart," he mutters.

Rick laughs,"I wonder when they'll realize we've been in the cell block the entire time?"

Suddenly, Nico appears on the perch, wearing nothing but jeans and Daryl's leather vest.

"Hey, guys! What's up?" she calls with a prominent blush.

"You comin'?" Rick asks playfully. One hundred points to Officer Friendly for that pun! Nico's face contorts.

"Don't you play that card with me, Grimes!" she yells. "I will beat your ass into the ground!"

Daryl mutters something inaudible and Nico blushes even harder. I smirk.

"We didn't even have to be in the cell!" I call. "We could hear you a mile away! Oh Daryl! Don't stop!"

Nico puts her hand over her heart in mock offense, "I thought we were friends, Harley!"

Merle leans his head close to my ear and whispers, "Think that'll be you and me one day?" he says jokingly with a wink and a smirk. I snort, "In your dreams, Dixon!"


*Nico's POV*

I was helping Carol with baby Judith, who was crying loudly.

"I swear, she's louder than you and Daryl!" Carol says with a grin. I gasp. I'm not used to this Carol!

"Jesus, is that all you people talk about? Me and Daryl's sex life?! Good Lord," I laugh. We both have a good laugh over that until Andrea walks up.

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now