Just One Gunshot

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Setting: Interstate by the woods, Season Two

We had to ditch the van and use Merle's bike. I had never ridden a bike before and I'm pretty sure I was choking Daryl to death with my grip around his waist.

The hum of the bike nearly made me fall asleep on top of Daryl's back. Then he came to a harsh stop. The interstate was blocked entirely by cars. We drove around and met Dale at the RV.

"Try to look for a way through!" He said. Daryl nodded and drove us around. There was a hissing noise. The RV had broken down again.

"We should look for supplies while we have the chance!" I said.

"I don't like it. It's a graveyard," Lori said.

We ignored her and started looking. I dug into the trunk of the nearest car.

"Sweet!" I said and pulled out a leather jacket with stars on the sleeves.

"Hey Nico! Check it out!" Shane called to me

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"Hey Nico! Check it out!" Shane called to me. I ran over to see him dousing himself in water. I laughed and joined in, not caring that I was getting soaked to the bone. We laughed for a moment. Just the two of us and water.

"When you two are done, can you get back to looking for stuff?" Someone snarled. I turned to see Daryl looking at us. Shane rolled his eyes.

"All right Dixon. Cool your jets!" I said and walked off.


A damn herd. Yeah, that's all we needed. Shane and I were hiding underneath a minivan. The shuffling moans grew closer. One of them dropped an arm right next to me. I nearly screamed but Shane clamped his hand over my mouth.

He tasted bad. Sorry, but the truth hurts. Damn Shane, wash your hands for God's sake!

I heard a scream and a moan. I ducked out from under the car to see Sophia running down a hill with two walkers behind her. Rick ran after her. Carol was crying and Lori tried to comfort her.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked.

"Sophia thought the herd had passed, so she came out of the car. A walker saw her and she ran into the woods. Rick's going after her," Lori explained.

I placed a hand on Carol's shoulder. "Carol, Rick is a genius at this kind of thing. I'm sure Sophia will be ok."

Carol sniffed and nodded.


Rick had returned without Sophia.

"Where is she? Oh God, she's dead, isn't she?!" Carol cried.

"No. I told her to hide while I led walkers away. I came back to her hiding spot and she was gone," Rick explained.

"You left my daughter out there all alone?!" Carol snapped.

"I had to do it! It was Sophia's best chance of survival!" Rick said.

"It doesn't sound like he had much of a choice," Shane said.

"My point is, Sophia is alive. Daryl, Nico, I want you to come with me. You're the best trackers," Rick asked of us.

I nodded. Daryl swung his crossbow over his back and we walked into the woods. We walked for about an hour when we saw a walker.

"Heads up!" I exclaimed and shot it down.

"Do you think this walker-" Rick started, but I knew what he was going to say.

"There's only one way to find. Nico, I'm gonna cut this sumbitch open. When I do, grab it's stomach and pull it out," Daryl explained. I nodded.

Daryl plunged his knife into the walker and sliced it open. "Now, Nico!"

I shoved my bare hands into its abdomen and felt around.

"Got it!" I said and pulled the stomach out. Daryl cut it open and pulled out it's last meal.

"This gross bastard had himself a woodchuck for lunch," He concluded. I sighed in relief.

There was hope for Sophia yet.


We came back to the interstate. Carol started panicking when she didn't see Sophia.

"You didn't find her?" She cried. I shook my head.

"We found a walker," Rick said.

"A walker, oh God," Carol whispered.

"It didn't get to her. We cut that sumbitch open to make sure," Daryl said.

"Going in there in the dark won't help any of us. Carol, I swear, at first light, we'll go looking," I reassured her.


I kept my promise. We were all searching for Sophia. To lighten the mood, Shane and I were exchanging funny stories. Daryl kept giving us nasty looks. I was absolutely sick of it.

"'Scuse me," I grumbled and walked over to Daryl.

"Ok, I don't know what your problem is, but stop giving me death glares!" I whisper-shouted at him.

"We're trying to locate a missing girl! I'd appreciate it if you'd pay attention! I'm supposed to protect your ass but that doesn't mean I have to like it," He hissed.

"Jesus Christ, Daryl! I know my brother wants you to protect me but I don't need it 24/7!" I snapped back. He wasn't looking at me anymore. He had found something. A tent. 

Daryl went in and checked it out. "Its not her. Some guy. Did what Jenner said, opted out," He announced.

Church bells echoed through the wind. "Maybe someone is also looking for Sophia!" Lori suggested.

"Or someone is signaling that they found her!" Rick added.

"Or Sophia is ringing them herself! Come on!" Daryl yelled.


The church was a bust. There was no steeple and the bells were on a damn timer. Everyone had gone inside.

"Yo, JC, you takin' any requests?" Daryl spat at the Jesus statue. I went and sat outside. I wasn't a religious person. Everyone soon left the church.

"We're going to split up. We can cover more ground," Rick said. "Shane, you're coming with me. Carl, you can come too, if its ok with Mom." Lori nodded.

I stood up. "I'll go with you guys. You'll need a tracker." Daryl grabbed my arm. "'Scuse us," He mumbled. "The hell? Shane Walsh? Really??"

"Oooh. I get it. You're jealous!" I teased. Apparently, it was the wrong thing to say.

"You think that's it?! I want you safe! Clearly, it doesn't matter to you!" He snapped. "Goddamn, you are such a waste of time! I shouldn't have shot that walker!"

I was taken aback. He meant the walker that nearly killed me at the quarry. Daryl wanted me dead? That wasn't like him.

"Fine. I get it. See how you do without me!" I yelled and joined Rick, Shane, and Carl. We made it into the woods. Rick stopped us.

A beautiful deer was approaching us. Carl slowly walked out to it. I handed my crossbow to Shane and walked right behind Carl. We stopped only feet away from the deer. I placed my hands on Carl's shoulders.

I couldn't believe so much beauty could still exist.

That beauty was taken away from me and Carl when a gunshot rang out and I fell to the ground, allowing the darkness and coldness to consume me.


A/N SOOOOO! Nico has also been shot! It'll be explained better in the next chapter!


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