Back To Atlanta

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Setting: Atlanta, Season One

*Nico's POV*

So besides the fact that he caused a big bruise on my stomach, Daryl is a decent guy. We were talking in the back of the truck about what we used to do before shit hit the fan.

"I didn't do much. I was usually wherever Merle was. That usually meant getting drunk at the nearest bar!" He joked and I laughed.

"I had a medical degree. I was going to leave for Sacred Heart, but one morning, I decided against it. I preferred the sweet life of hunting and shooting down animals for food," I said. He smiled. 

The truck went over a pothole and I held my stomach, wincing.

"Sorry," Rick mumbled from the driver's seat. Daryl looked worryingly at me, "Can I see the bruise?" He asked.

I shook my head, "Its nothing. And I don't want you to feel bad,"

"I already do," He said and grabbed the hem of my shirt. He slowly pulled it upwards to reveal a purple and blue bruise about the size of a wallet. He covered his face with his hands.

"Nico, I am so sorry. You should know I have a terrible temper. If there is anything I can do..." He said. I grinned. I had the perfect idea.

"I pulled a muscle the other day. Right by my left shoulder blade. I'd appreciate it if I could get a massage..." I said cockily.

He groaned and moved behind me, his knees on either side of me. He cracked his knuckles and worked his magic.

And I do mean magic. He knew exactly where I had hurt myself just by rubbing my back for a second.

"Yeah, you pulled one of them real good. There's a hard spot right here," He said and rubbed his thumb on it. I let out an accidental moan. He raised his eyebrows. "You've seen nothing yet," He joked.

"Don't forget to use protection!" Rick yelled from the front seat.

"Can it, Rick!" Daryl and I yelled at the same time.


We arrived and got out of the truck. "Are we getting Merle or the bag of guns first?" Rick asked.

"Merle! We ain't even havin' this conversation!" Daryl snapped.

"Yes, we are!" Rick retorted. "Glenn, you know the geography. What's quicker?"

"Merle. We could grab him and the guns would be on our way back. If we get the guns first, it'll mean doubling back," Glenn explained.

"Well, let's go!" I said. We ran to the department store. The front was smashed. That means walkers had got in. Rick gestured to Daryl. He held up his crossbow and aimed at a walker. He shot it down, and pulled the arrow out, "Ugly skank."

We ran up to the roof entrance. T-Dog grabbed the chain-cutters and snapped them. Daryl kicked the door opened wand ran to where we left Merle.

Except Merle wasn't there. Instead, there was a pool of blood and a disembodied hand.

"No!" Daryl cried. "No!" I didn't think Daryl would ever be this emotional. I walked over to him.

"Daryl-" I said putting my hand on his shoulder but he slapped it away. "Stupid bitch! You left my brother here alone! This is all your fault!"

I know he didn't mean it. I've been friends with boys all my life, I know when they don't mean something they say. He wiped his eyes and looked at Glenn.

"You got a rag or summat?" He asked. Glenn reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue handkerchief. Daryl picked up his brother's hand and wrapped it in the rag. Meanwhile, I inspected the blood.

"He must've used his belt when he made the cut. There would've been more blood," I concluded. Rick nodded.

We decided to check the rest of the building out. I came across something that nearly made me retch. "Burnt flesh! He cauterized the stump!" I yelled.

"And then he flew the coop!" Rick pointed to a smashed window.

"That's my brother. Tough as shit. You feed him a hammer, he'll crap out nails," Daryl said. I snorted at that.

"Yeah, but even the toughest of men can pass out from blood loss," Rick explained.

"I gotta go after him!" Daryl exclaimed.

"Daryl, no! We have to stick together!" I said.

"He's my brother!" He yelled. 

"I think we should get the guns first," T-Dog said. "I don't feel comfortable strolling those streets with nothing but my good intentions."

Rick nods, "Let's get those guns."


Glenn, Daryl, and I were in position. And not in the dirty way. Glenn had explained how to get the guns back without any of us getting bit.

"Ok, I'll run in. If anything happens to me, get yourselves out!" He said.

"You got some balls for a chinaman," Daryl pointed out.

"I'm Korean."


Glenn ran for the guns. Then I heard someone come back. "Glenn, are you-" I started to see the person was not Glenn, but a young Latino.

"Are you the one?" He asked.

"Shut your mouth!" Daryl snapped.

"Are you the one!?" He screamed. Damn, he was going to attract every walker in a fifty mile radius!

"Shut the hell up, man!" I yelled and placed my hand over his mouth. He started screaming.

"AYUDAME! AYUDAME!" He shrieked.

"Goddammit, Nico, shut him up!" Daryl hissed as two big guys walked into the alley. They started yelling and beating me and Daryl. "WHERE'S OUR BAG OF GUNS?!" One of them screamed. I squeezed my way out of the fight and pulled a knife at the young Latino's head.

"Let him go! I swear, I'll kill him! I killed my own damn parents! What make you think I won't do the same!" I screamed, not caring that I had let out my biggest secret. I ignored Daryl's look of surprise.

"Hey guys! I got the guns- oh shit!" Glenn suddenly yelled. The two guys ran grabbed him and shoved him in a car. They drove away.

"GLENN!" I screamed. But it was too late. I could still hear his screams. I looked at the Latino.

I strut towards him and held up my machete for a killing blow.

A/N Cliffhanger(?) Sorry, I suck at those. Anyway, turns out Nico just revealed her biggest secret! How will Daryl take it? Will she tell the others? Find out in the next chapter!

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