He's Gonna Pay

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Setting: The Prison, Season Three

*Nico's POV*

"No!" I scream. I run up to the Governor and hit him with the butt of my crossbow. He's out cold. I run over to Merle. He's lost two fingers and he has a gunshot wound right through his chest. I inspect the wound. From the looks of it, it just missed his heart and lung.

I press my ear to his chest. I hear a heartbeat. 

He's alive. But only just. I swing one of his arms around my shoulder and drag him outside. 

Daryl is standing there. He sees Merle. 

"No!" he yells. Tears fall from his eyes. 

"He's alive," I assure him. "We need to get him back to Hershel, fast!" 

Daryl and I pile into the car Merle used and drive off. 


"We're losing him!" I scream at Daryl. "Faster!" 

Daryl hits the gas and we speed into the prison. The whole group is gathered outside. 

"Open the gate!" I scream. "Hurry!" 

I see Beth and Maggie open the gate and we drive inside. Daryl hits the breaks and we pile out. 

"Hershel, prepare a cell for surgery!" Daryl instructs. 

"What happened out there?" Beth asks. 

"Merle was going to sacrifice himself for us! He's been shot!" I say in a panic. I drag his body out of the car. Harley screams and runs towards him. 

"C'mon, Merle, don't die on me now!" she cries. 

We drag Merle's body into the prison so Hershel can begin the surgery. 


Harley, Daryl, and I have been sitting besides Merle's bed for an hour now. Hershel said he'd live, which is a relief. 

Harley has not let go of his arm ever since we sat down. 

"You love him, don't you?" I ask suddenly. Harley nods as tears fall from her eyes. 

"When he wakes up, not if, when, I want you to tell him," I order. "Promise me you will."

Harley nods. I take Daryl's hand and we walk out of the cell, leaving Harley alone. 


*Harley's POV*

If he dies, I'll never forgive myself. I should've been there with him. 

"Merle," I start. "I don't know where you are or if you can hear me. Just please wake up. I need you. I love you." I lean my forehead on his chest, careful to avoid the stitches. 

"Don't get all sappy on me, princess," a scratchy voice whispers. I pop my head up and stare into Merle's open eyes. 

"Merle!" I cry and hug him. He hugs me back. 

"In case you were wonderin', I love ya, too, princess," he smirks. I waste no time in doing this. I made a promise to Nico. 

So I kiss him. 

It's just me for a moment, but he reacts and kisses back. 

"Well, it took you two long enough!" I hear Nico's voice tease. "By the way, Merle, did I mention Daryl proposed?" 

Merle's in shock. "Seriously?! Daryl! Get your yerself in here!" Merle yells. Daryl runs in. 

It's just the four of us. The four Dixons. My real family. 

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