The Next World

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Setting: Run, Season Six

*Nico's POV*

*Two Months Later*

As I take a sip of coffee from my mug, I put Boston's "More Than a Feeling" on my record player. As the instrumental plays, I sing along with the record.

I woke up this morning
And the sun was gone
Turned on some music to start my day
I lost myself in a familiar song 
I closed my eyes and I slipped away...

As the second instrumental plays, I make an air guitar motion. I walk over to Sebastian's new playpen and kiss his head. 

"Hey, darlin'," a husky voice behind me says and kisses my temple. 

"Have I ever told you I love your 'I-just-woke-up' voice?" I smile and kiss Daryl's forehead.

"You don't need to," Daryl says. "It's in your eyes. The darken, even your blind one." 

Harley walks downstairs, sporting an incredible bedhead. She puts a hand on her lower abdomen and starts making herself a plate of eggs. 

Did I mention? Harley's pregnant. A month and a half along to be exact. Merle nearly screamed in joy when he found out. 

In other news, Carl is fine. He has a makeshift eye-patch over his right eye, but he's still Carl Grimes. 

"Is Merle awake yet?" I ask. 

"Nope," Harley rolls her eyes. 

"I'll get him," Daryl groans. He walks upstairs. I strut over to the kitchen table and sit next to Harley. 

"What are you gonna name her? Or him?" I ask. 

"Jackson Carl if it's a boy," Harley says. "Remmi Nicole if it's a girl."

"You'd name it after me?" I ask. 

"Why wouldn't I?" Harley smiles. "You're my sister." 

Upstairs, I hear a loud splash and a lots of profanity. 

"I need to speak to Daryl about his waking up methods," I roll my eyes. Daryl walks downstairs with a bucket in his hands. 

"You didn't..." I hold in laughter. 

"Hey, I said I'd wake him up. I never said how," Daryl smirks. He walks over to Sebastian and kisses his chubby cheek. 

"You're coming on the run with me and Rick, right?" he asks me. 

"Yep," I say and stuff some eggs in my mouth. 

"Let's go then," Daryl says and grabs his vest. I grab my jacket, kiss Seb goodbye, and walk out the door. He grabs the run list and we walk out the door.

Denise walks in our direction.

"Hey!" Daryl gets her attention.

"Yes?" Denise asks. 

"This thing at the bottom right here," he shows her the list. "You're talking about the drink, right?"

"I am, but..." Denise starts.

"It's not medical?"

"No, I drew a line between the important stuff and that. I just figured, if you saw it."

"Alright," Daryl shrugs. 

"Anything remotely medical is a priority," Denise explains. "And food, maybe even food before medicine and gas or batteries or books for the kids or clothes is just-- if you see it, if it just happens to, you know, be right there."

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now