You Better Run

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Setting: The Prison, Season Three

*Nico's POV*

"Whattya mean, society's fallen?" Oscar asked.

"How long were you in that room?" I asked.

"Ten months. Heard some crazy story 'bout a guy goin' cannibal. Warden gave us a gun and told us to stay put!" Big Tiny explained.


We took the inmates outside.

"Feels good to have the sun on my face!" Big Tiny sighed. His good mood deteriorated when he saw the massive pile of walkers in the grass.

"So, it's true? The dead came back and attacked?" Andrew asked.

"More or less," I scoffed.

"So, do we just kill 'em?" Axel asked.

"No, you don't just kill 'em. They only die if you go for the head," Daryl grunted.

We brought the inmates back inside the prison so they could try killing some walkers.

"Remember- they only die if you get 'em through the brain," Rick reminded them.

"We don't need lessons on how to kill a man," Tomas scoffed. A small group of walkers, maybe eight or so, shuffled our way.

"Ok, here's the plan-" I started but the inmates went haywire. They screamed and started stabbing and beating the walkers. They probably hit everywhere except the head.

It was actually quite funny.

"You want a piece of me? Come get some!" Axel yelled as if he was some big tough guy. I groaned and shot the walkers down.

The prisoners looked taken aback. "Come on, people, what the hell. It's gotta be the brain. Don't y'all know nothin'?" I quoted Daryl with a smirk. Then, I noticed blood dripping down Big Tiny's back.

"Did they get you?" I asked. I spun him around to reveal a deep scratch.

"Just a scratch," He mumbled. I gaped at him.

"Just a scratch?!" I exclaimed. "You're a dead man, you know that."

"You saved that old man by cutting his leg off!" Andrew said to Rick.

"Do you see where the scratch is? I can't cut that off!" Rick said.

"Guys! Chill! I'm fine, I'm okay-" Big Tiny started but was interrupted by Tomas. The Mexican inmate sliced Big Tiny's head off and started beating it. Blood dripped from his hair and face.

I stood in shock. I didn't even realize my jaw had dropped until I felt spit dripping from my lip.

"Food storage's this way," Tomas grumbled and we set off. Me and Daryl walked on either side of Rick.

"Hey. If he tries anything... just give the signal," Daryl growled. Rick nodded. We made our way to the food storage. I noticed a door.

"What's in here?" I asked and walked to it.

"I wouldn't," Tomas snickered. I ignored him and opened it. The smell hit me like a truck. I doubled over and slammed the door shut.

"She wanted to know," Tomas laughed. I sent him a death glare. I opened another door to reveal a mass of food.

"Jackpot! Booyah!" I exclaimed.

"We'll take three quarters of this. The last quarter is all yours," Rick explained.

"I don't think so," Tomas growled. "This is our prison."

"Listen, either you take the deal or-" I started but I was interrupted by moans and growls outside the door.

"Oh shit!" I screamed and through myself against the door. Everyone raised their weapons. Tomas grabbed the door handle. 

"Open one of the doors!" Rick instructed. "We'll take them out, a few at a time!"

Tomas eyes agreed, but his actions stated otherwise. He opened both f the doors, letting all the walking, groaning corpses in.

"I said one door!" Rick screamed.

"Shit happens!" Tomas yelled back. I raised my crossbow and shot down three walkers. Then Tomas did the unbelievable.

He threw a walker on Rick. Luckily, he managed to escape the geek's snapping jaws. We took down the rest of the walkers.

"What the hell was that?!" I asked Tomas angrily.

"It was coming at me, bro!" He responded as if it was a dog and not a flesh-eating monster.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I get it. Shit happens," Rick hissed coldly. There was silence between the two for a moment. Then, Rick swiftly raised his machete and brought it down on Tomas' skull.

"NO!" Andrew screamed and tried to whack Rick with his baseball bat. That was it for me. No one tries to kill my brother and lives to tell the tale. I chased Andrew down the hallway until we reached the door that lead to the walker-infested courtyard. I grinned.

Andrew ran outside, but I didn't follow. I closed the door and locked it. His eyes widened and threw himself at the door.

"Let me back in man! Let me back in! Open that up man, open it up!" He pleaded, but I was not in a good mood today.

"You better run," I said with a crazy smile. Fear danced in his eyes as I turned around. I heard the growls of the undead and the screams of the soon-to-be-dead.


I walked back to the storage area to see Axel and Oscar on their knees.

"It was just Andrew and Tomas! I liked Big Tiny, he was my friend! Please don't kill us, it was just those two!" Axel pleaded like a child. I rolled my eyes at the scene.

"Tell 'em Oscar! Tell 'em!" He continued.

"Shut up," Oscar said, no hint of fear in his voice. He looked up at Daryl who had his crossbow pointed at his face.

"I ain't never pleaded for my life, and I ain't 'bout to start now. So you do what you gotta do," Oscar said simply.

"I say we kill them now," I growled.

"They didn't do anything to us. I say we just put them in another cell block," Rick started then turned to the prisoners. "You'll stay out of our sight and if we see you, we will not hesitate to put you down."

Axel and Oscar seemed to agree. We took them to Cell Block D. Dead walkers were scattered everywhere.

"I'd take those outside and burn 'em," Rick suggested.

"We knew these guys. They weren't bad people," Axel said softly. I actually felt a little pitiful. I walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey. Sorry for trying to get you killed earlier. Heat of the moment," I smirked. He gave me a light smile.

I walked to Daryl and grabbed his hand. He leaned in and kissed my neck. Maybe these prisoners were not so bad.


A/N: Kind of a filler chapter. Lets be real. This episode was not the best.


1) How are Andrea and Michonne dealing with the Governor? 

2)                                               dd   Is there something to be said about Nico's crazy mood?

3) Will Hershel survive?


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