Who's Side Are You On Anyway?

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Setting: The Prison, Season Three

*Nico's POV*

I can't believe what I'm hearing. Andrea? Here?

Everyone runs outside. Carl goes to his sniper point while me, Daryl, Rick, Merle, Michonne, and Beth duck behind a car, our long-range weapons primed and ready.

Andrea's making it through the field with a walker on a snare pole. The walker must be causing a diversion for her.

"Go," Rick says to us. Merle, Daryl, Beth, Michonne, and I run to different cars.

"Clear!" Merle exclaims. We take action and run to Andrea.

"Are you alone?" Rick yells at the blonde.

"Open the gate!" Andrea shouts back.

"Are you alone?!" Rick repeats.

"Rick!" she yells exasperatedly. I notice Michonne slowly lower her gun.

Rick tosses the keys to Daryl and he unlocks the gate. Andrea runs in and Rick shoves a gun in her face.

"Hands up!" he orders. "Turn around!" Rick pushes Andrea against the gate and pats her down. "Get down on the floor! I asked if you were alone!"

"I am!" Andrea sighs. Rick rips her backpack from her and throws it across the ground. "Welcome back," he hisses. He grips her upper arm and lifts her onto her feet.

Much to my distaste, we bring her into the prison. Carol sees Andrea and stops. The two women embrace.

Daryl and I prop ourselves up on a table, waiting for the fireworks to go off.

"After you saved me, we thought you were dead," Carol whispers. Andrea looks up at Hershel and sees his missing limb.

"Hershel, my God," she mutters in shock. "I can't believe this."

She does a three-sixty, as if she was looking for someone. "Where's Shane?" she finally asks. Rick and I both look away.

Andrea gasps in realization, "And Lori?" Rick's eyes wallow with pain.

"She had a girl," Hershel starts. "Lori didn't survive."

"Neither did T-Dog," Maggie adds. T-Dog... God, I missed him.

"I'm so sorry," Andrea whispers sadly. She turns to the young Grimes and sees his pained expression, "Carl..." He just looks away, not meeting her gaze.

Andrea turns to Rick, "Rick... I..." Rick takes a few steps back from her.

"You all live here?" she asks.

"Here and the cell block," Glenn clarifies.

"There?" Andrea points to Cell Block C. "Well can I go in?" She makes her way to the door, but Rick stops her.

"I won't allow that," he says.

"I'm not an enemy, Rick!" Andrea exclaims in disbelief.

"We had that field and courtyard until your boyfriend tore down the fence with a truck and shot us up," Rick explains coolly.

"He said you fired first!" Andrea says.

"Well, he's lying," Rick snaps.

"He killed an inmate who survived in here," Hershel brings up Axel.

"We liked him. He was one of us," Daryl mumbles.

"Axel was a good man," I start. "A bit disorientated, but a good man, through and through." Daryl wraps an arm gingerly around me.

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