Just Another Place That's Gonna Burn

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Setting: Church, Season Five

*Nico's POV*

While Daryl is out hunting, the rest of us wander through the woods, looking for a place to settle down. 

Twigs snap as we hold up our weapons. Daryl steps through the trees with his hands up and squirrels on a string. 

"We surrender," he jokes. He walks over to Rick and mutters a few things to him. 

I have time to get to know Tara better. Apparently, she was with the Governor during the attack, but was against it. After the attack, Glenn found her in the prison and they both made it out together. 

I also find out that she's a lesbian. 

"Okay, so maybe I have a tiny crush on Rosita," Tara admits. 

"Hey, she is pretty hot," I say. 

Rick whistles to the group, "Keep close."

In the distance, a man screams, "Help! Help, anybody! Help!" 

"Dad, come on!" Carl pleads. "Come on." Rick gives in and we run to the source of the screams. It's a man on top of a rock with a walker clawing at his feet. Carl whips out his gun and shoots the walker dead.

"We're clear! Keep watch!" Rick exclaims. He looks at the man, "Come on down."

The man shuffles off the rock fearfully. 

"You okay?" Rick asks him. The man doubles over and vomits on the ground. 

"Sorry," he apologizes. "Yes. Thank you. I'm Gabriel."

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Rick asks.

"Do I look like I would have any weapons?" Gabriel chuckles. 

"We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like," Abraham scoffs. 

"I have no weapons of any kind," Gabriel says. "The word of God is the only protection I need."

"Sure didn't look like it," Daryl points out. 

"I called for help. Help came," Gabriel smiles. "Do you have-- have any food? Whatever I-- I had left just hit the ground."

"We've got some pecans," Carl offers. 

"Thank you," Gabriel says. He looks at Judith in Tyreese's arms and Sebastian in Harley's. 

"Those are beautiful children," Gabriel says. Daryl's eyes narrow as he enters his protective father mode. 

"Do you have a camp?" Gabriel asks. 

"No. Do you?" Rick asks. 

"I have a church," Gabriel answers. 

"Hold your hands above your head," Rick commands. Gabriel obeys and Rick proceeds to pat him down. 

"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asks.

"Not any, actually."

"Turn around. How many people have you killed?"



"Because the Lord abhors violence."

I nearly scoff. How can someone still have faith in God when the world has been taken over by monstrous, cannibalistic corpses?

Rick doesn't seem to like his answer either.

"What have you done?" he asks. "We've all done something."

"I'm a sinner," Gabriel admits. "I sin almost every day. But those sins, I confess them to God, not strangers."

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