Operation Save Everybody

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Setting: Terminus, Season Five

*Nico's POV*

We've been on the road for a while. Sebastian's been asleep for most of it.

"We're close," Carol says while carrying Judith. "I'm gonna get you all there. Make sure you're safe. But I'm not gonna stay."

I hear the snarls and moans of a walker. It shuffles slowly out of the woods. Tyreese takes Judith. 

"I can't," he says. "Not yet." 

"You're going to have to be able to," Carol says and kills the walkers. 

That's when I see the herd. 

"Move!" I hiss. We duck into the woods and hide behind a small mound. They shuffle towards us. This is it. We can't take on this many. 

Gunshots pierce the air in the distance. The walkers' attention is turned to that. They continue to walk along the tracks, away from us.

Sebastian whines. I quickly give him his pacifier. 

The walkers leave us. We step out from our hiding spot. 

"That gunfire," Tyreese says. "it could have been from Terminus."

"Someone was attacking them," Carol adds on. "Or they were attacking someone."

"Do we even want to find out?" Tyreese asks.

"Yeah," I pipe up. "Our people could be there."

"There's another track due east," Carol says. "It'll get us there. We'll be real careful. We're gonna get answers."

After a few minutes, we come across a young man who's talking on the radio in front of a cabin. 

"Ten minute count. If you screw up, you're on your own, Martin," a woman on the radio says.

"You don't have to tell me," Martin snorts. "I wipe my own ass. Alex didn't get it. See, I knew the chick with the sword was bad news."

Chick with the sword?! Is he talking about Michonne?! What did he do to her?!

"Bitch looked like a weapon with a weapon," Martin continues. He is definitely talking about Michonne.

"He was always a sloppy-ass mother," the woman on the radio laughs.

"Yeah, I told Albert I want the kid's hat after they bleed him out," Martin laughs. 

Now he's talking about Carl! Carol walks over and places a gun to his head.

"Keep your finger off the button and drop it," she growls. 

"Listen, y'all don't have to do this," Martin stutters. "Whatever you want, we have a place where everyone's welcome."

"Shut up, dickhole," I hiss. 

"Okay," he says.

"We're friends of the chick with the sword and the kid in the hat," Carol explains.


Soon, we have Martin tied up against the wall inside the cabin. 

"They attacked us," Martin tries to reason. "We're just holding them."

"I don't believe you," Carol spits.

"Who else do you have? Do you know their names?" Tyreese asks. 

"Do you have a guy with a crossbow?" I ask desperately. 

Martin grins, "You mean Archer? That guy isn't as tough as you think."

Once A Dixon, Always A Dixon (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now