You're Tearing Me Apart

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I was absolutely fuming. I sat staring at Winifred with such anger, I felt like I could punch her any minute now. Michael was uncomfortable, moving around, just like his son. Winifred, however, saw no problem with what she just said. She saw me glaring at her with aggravation. "What?" She asked. I decided to let her have it. She was completely incompetent, she had no sympathy, she said exactly what she wanted, she was a horrible woman. "How dare you!" I screeched. The restaurant suddenly became silent. "Excuse me?" She asked as if she had done nothing wrong.

"How dare you invite us here to just criticise every little thing about us and act like you've done nothing wrong? You pushed your own son onto the brink of insanity, he's probably in the bathroom right now, raging with temper! You have no clue do you? There's not a single bit of sympathy in your body is there? You think we're going to sit here and listen to you make fun of us? Think again! You have a comment on every little thing! I'm sick of it Winifred! Your son doesn't deserve a mother like you!"

There was silence. No one spoke a word. Everyone was waiting for Winifreds response.

"How dare you come to my home and speak to me that way you little....bitch! I allow you to marry my son and I make you welcome here and you throw it back in my face. Roger doesn't deserve such a wife as you! He can do way better and we all know it! Go back home to Ireland and stay away from my little boy!"

Silence again.

"Why do you act like you love Roger? You never cared about him it's so obvious! He's an amazing man and I love him so much! More than you ever will. He came to me and we have a great life. You are so mean to him. I actually can't believe he was right. Yeah, that's right, he told me all about you. You care about no one but yourself. I love Roger, but you don't understand that because you don't love him. He deserves much more than this, he never hurt a soul. Sure we had hard times but that makes us stronger. Thanks for the invitation but don't even think about inviting us here again!"

I turned around and Roger was standing dumbfounded. "Come on Roger, let's go." I said taking his hand. "See there it is! You control him!" Said Winifred. "Mother, for heaven's sake, leave me and my wife alone!"

We started to walk out the door until I stopped and turned on my heel. "Oh yeah and by the way, we have twins, a boy and a girl, but consider yourself not part of their life anymore Winifred. Michael, you're welcome to visit them anytime."

Then we left.

We arrived back at Rogers parents house to get our bags, stay in a hotel and then go home. "How much of that did you hear?" I asked Roger when we were packing. "All of it. I was in the hallway leading to the bathroom and then I came out when I heard her call you a bitch." I hugged him. "I'm sorry you had to experience that." He said. "No I'm sorry I dragged you here." We stayed hugging for a few minutes until his parents came home. "We better go." He said. Winifred was blocking the door. "I would like to meet your children." She said. "Mother it's too late. You had your chance to show your love for me and Megan but you've blown it. So you won't ever see them. See ya dad." He said.

We pushed past Mrs Taylor and went out to the car to stay at a hotel for the night. I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for Mrs Taylor as I saw tears in her eyes as we drove off. She knew she was losing her son. Forever.

(Authors Note: leave me suggestions please of what you think should happen with Mrs Taylor! Thanks!!!!)

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