Let's Have A Party

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*25th of July 1977*

With only one day till Rogers birthday I had to get moving. I started handing out invitations to our friends and I sent an invitation to his parents. I weren't sure if they would come but I didn't want to leave them out of it. I invited my brothers and their families and Rogers sister. I wanted to have as many people as possible at this party so it would feel special for Roger.

I hired a babysitter for Elly and Aidan that night seeing as I didn't want them to be around when everyone was drinking alcohol and most likely smoking. She was going to mind them in our house.

I had finally picked the venue for the party, the ballroom in a hotel nearby. Roger had never been, and he had mentioned his interest to go there a few times.

Brian and I organised everything that was needed: the decorations, the food, everything. He was a good friend to Roger.

I invited Ben to the party because I knew that he knew it was Rogers birthday soon and he would be upset if we didn't invite him.

At 9 o'clock that night I came home from the hotel to find Roger and his parents in the kitchen. Roger stood up from the table when I arrived in the door.

"Oh hi Megan. My parents are here." He said to me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah, why are they here?" I whispered.

"They said you invited them over so..." whispered Roger and then he walked away and back to his parents. I turned around and silently cursed as I thought Roger might suspicious. It was a surprise party. I put a smile on and followed Roger into the kitchen.

"Hello, Michael, hello Winifred." I said to them. "Oh hello Megan." They both replied. "Thanks so much for inviting us to Rogers party." Said Winifred.

I froze. What the fuck!? Roger looked up at me. "What party?" He asked, with a puzzled look on his face. "Oh well, it's not really a party, Winifred," I said, glaring at her. "Its more of a get together with Rogers friends tomorrow night. Only a few drinks or whatever."

Winifred nodded. I clenched my fists under the table, unbelievably thankful that she didnt blow it. I decided I needed to be more specific in the future when I invited her anywhere.

After we all chatted for a while, it got rather late and I showed Winifred and Michael to their room. They went to bed after that and I put the kids to bed. I got in bed beside Roger that night and he pulled me close. "Last night of being 27." I said to him. He groaned. "Stop reminding me how old I am!" He said, joking. "By the way," he said, "what's happening tomorrow.

I swallowed. "Eh, well, I invited the boys and a few of our friends to go to that hotel down the road for a few drinks if thats okay?" I said. "Oh Megan," he said. "I told you I didn't want anything big. Thank you so much!" He kissed my cheek and soon fell asleep.

*26th of July 1977*

I woke up early and made Roger breakfast to bring up to him in bed. I made eggs and bacon and all the breakfast foods he liked. I put his watch on the side of the tray for him to open with his breakfast.

When I brought it up to him, he was sitting in bed with the kids. They were sitting either side of him, giving his kisses and hugs. "Oh, morning Megan." Said Roger as he kissed them back. "Morning mummy!" Said Elly and Aidan together. I handed Roger the tray.

"Aw Megan, you didn't have to do all this for me." Said Roger, kissing my lips lightly. He noticed the black box on the side of the tray. "Open it." I said, smiling. He took out the silver Rolex I bought for him. It fit perfectly. "Oh thank you so much!" He said, giving me a huge hug.

I got into bed beside him with the kids as he ate his breakfast. "Kids," I said. "Why don't you go and get daddy your presents?" They jumped off the bed and ran into their room.

"They didnt have to get me anything." Said Roger. "Oh it's nothing much." I said. They came running in with two bags. I was slightly confused as all they got him was a card they made. They handed the two big bags to Roger. He pulled out a white coat with colourful detailing on it from one bag and a black and white neckerchief and black shirt from the other bag. Roger pulled them into a huge hug. "Thank you lovelies." He said to them. "Where did you get these?" I asked the kids. "Bian brought us to get them." Said Elly. I laughed at her pronunciation of Brian. "That was very nice of him." Said Roger.

He tried on the coat and it looked great on him. "I'll wear this tonight." He said to me, smiling.

At 7:30 Roger and I left the house after the babysitter arrived. We drove to the hotel and went into the lobby. To Rogers knowledge we were only going to the bar in the hotel for for few drinks so he was confused when I led him to the ballroom. "Where are we going?" He asked. "This is a way to the bar." I said, opening the huge ballroom door and entering the completely pitch dark room. Roger gripped my hand tighter.

Suddenly the lights flickered on and a loud "SURPRISE!" was heard. Roger nearly fell to the floor with the shock. He looked around and gave me a huge hug. "Thank you so much Megan. You really didn't have to do this."

Roger and I parted and he made pleasantries with the guests. I saw Ben come in and I welcomed him and showed him to Roger.

Brian and I found each other after a while and we sat down and talked, both exhausted after only an hour or so of the party. "Oh Brian, by the way, you didn't have to get that stuff for Roger from the kids." I told him. "Oh it's no problem. I thought it would be special for them to give him something. " He replied.

We both sat there for a long time, talking and laughing. I was so happy to see Roger having a good time with his friends and family. He kept coming over to me to introduce me to his family and friends. I caught up with my brothers and found they both had kids, Anthony had a girl and Lee had two boys.

An hour or so later the cake arrived and I gave Roger a knife to cut it as everyone gathered around. Brian ordered Roger a Queen cake with the Queen crest on it and a picture of Roger. He blew out the candles and cut it while Brian and I gave slices to everyone.

It started to get late and most people went home. Freddie, John, Veronica, Chrissie and Brian all came back to our house to stay the night. I made Freddie a bed on the couch as all the beds upstairs were taken. I knew how lonely he got and I felt bad for him.

I got in bed that night and Roger rolled over on top of me. I started to laugh. "What are you doing?!" I squealed as he kissed my neck and nibbled on it soflty. "Thank you for the party Megan. You're the best wife I could ever ask for. Thank you." He said, looking into my eyes. "Its okay Roger. You deserve it." I told him. He kissed my lips and then got off me and lay in his back as I lay on his chest and fell asleep, listening to his beating heart which was 28 years old but was the thing that had been loving me and hopefully would for another 28 years and even longer.

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