You're Just Another Fool

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*10th of July 1980*

That morning I woke the kids to bring them to school. Both of them were extremely down and nothing I did made them feel any better. It was getting to the point where I didn't know what to do anymore.

There was only one thing they wanted. But they couldn't have it.

I ushered them out of the house and into our car, one I had to purchase when Roger left because him being the prick he was, he took our car with him.

I started driving to the school. It was very quiet in the car so I put the radio on. Looking in the rearview mirror, I saw both twins had their heads down, looking completely depressed. They needed to snap out of this because we were all going to have to move on and accept that he wasn't coming back.

The dj started talking about Queen and I rolled my eyes, about to changes the channel, but I noticed the kids had started smiling a bit so I left it.

"-here's Queens new album, the Game, and a hidden gem on that album- Rock It (Prime Jive)"

Suddenly I heard Freddies gorgeous voice and a strumming guitar. His voice had changed a lot through the ears, especially since I had first met him. Not that it had gotten any worse, only better.

After Freddies little part I heard Rogers husky "ah-ah" and I immediately froze. I completely forgot that he wrote that song.

I didn't turn it off, mainly because of the kids, but I did want to hear what he was singing about.

It intrigued me; who was this "baby" and "honey" he was talking about? Did he have a new girlfriend? Was it Katie?

Eventually the song ended and I understood exactly what the dj was talking about: that song was perfect. Even though Roger wrote it, I loved it. His voice just suited the song so well.

I dropped the kids off and said goodbye, heading home. I arrived in the door to the phone ringing. I didn't know how long it had been ringing for so I answered it straight away.

"Oh Megan thank GOD!" Brian exclaimed down the phone.

"Oh Brian, sorry I was just dropp-"

"Please, come here, right now. We really need your help!"

"What? Who's "we"?" I asked.

"Me, John and Fred. We haven't seen Roger for three days. We're so worried. He's not picking up the phone or answering his door when we call over. Please. Help us. Help him!"

"Brian," I started. "I can't just drop everything here and go and help a man who I haven't heard from for two years!"

"This is different," he said. "What if he's not alive?"

I felt my heart skip a beat. There was a possibility....

"I can't Brian."

"Megan please! Just put all this behind you and come and help him. Whatever happened doesn't matter anymore. We need to make sure he's okay. Please."

I thought about it. This was his life he was destroying, not mine. And he wasn't my responsibility anymore.

However, I would never forgive myself if something happened to the man my kids worshipped when I could have stopped it.

I thought about their reaction if something happened to him. They would be heartbroken. And I didn't want that.

Brian was still waiting on the other end of the phone.

"Fine! I'll do it. But I'm not staying Brian. If he's okay, then that's it."

"Of course. Get here as soon as you can."

I hung up the phone and packed my bags. I went to collect the kids from school early. I didn't want to bring them just in case their dad was in such a state that they would be upset to see.

So I dropped them to Sharon's house on the way to the airport. I boarded the plane to Germany.

As I sat there, I feared the worst for Roger. What if he was dead? Could ne really have drank so much or gotten so high?

It wasn't even me I was doing this for. It was our kids. It would kill me if they lost their dad. They loved him so much.

I had time to think on the journey there. If Roger was in a bad way, could I possibly help him? Would him being with me be the best thing for him? Would I have to nurse him back to himself.

I didn't know if I could do it. Saving my kids' dad was all that mattered.

Although, I did kind of want him for myself too......

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