What We All Need, Is Happiness

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I woke up the next morning to the shrill ringing of the telephone downstairs. I opened my eyes and eased the kids off me. I checked my watch and frowned. It was 6a.m.

I stumbled down the stairs and to the the phone.

"Hello?" I answered, my voice raspy and hoarse.

"Hello, Mr Taylor, it's Dr Johnson."

The lovely female doctor who had kept my updated on Megan was calling me. Her name was Rose Johnson. I started bawling in her arms the first day we arrived at the hospital and she had stayed with me since.

"Oh, hi Rose. Any news?"

"Yep. You'll be delighted to hear that Megan has been moving her fingers slightly during the night. I noticed when I checked her at 4 this morning. Her eyelashes were fluttering a little bit as well. You should probably come in." She said.

"Really?? Wow, that's great! I'll get the kids up and then we'll be there." I told her.

"Great. Bye."

I hung up and ran up the stairs. I was over the moon to hear Megan had been moving a bit. It had been about a week since she was admitted into hospital and it was wearing on all of us.

I hadn't brought the kids to see her yet, mainly because I didn't tell them until the night before, and also, I was worried they would be upset when they saw her.

I went into our bedroom and saw the kids awake and sitting up.

"Morning, guys. How do you feel about going to see Mummy in hospital?" I asked them, sitting on the bed.

"Can we??" Elly asked with excitement.

"If you think you'd be able to, yes." I said.

"Is she just asleep daddy?" Aidan asked me, a worried look spreading across his little face.

"Yeah, little man. She's just sleeping. She doesn't look any different. Her eyes are just closed." I said.

"When will she wake up?" Elly asked.

"I don't know, baby. But when she does, we'll be there, okay?"

They all nodded.

I got them all ready and fed. It was kind of difficult doing it all myself, but they were all so mature they were able to most things alone.

I decided not to tell them Megan had been moving a bit. I didn't want to get their hopes up. If she was, I would want them to see it for themselves.

We drove to the hospital and got out of the car. I carried Luke. He was getting older but he wasn't heavy at all. I held onto Aidan's hand as we walked in, because I knew he would be the most concerned.

Rose was waiting for me at the reception and I was worried something was wrong.

"Morning, Rose." I said, putting Luke down. He immediately latched onto my legs, because he was shy.

"Morning, Roger. These are your kids? They're beautiful." She said, smiling at them.

"Yeah. This is Elly, Luke and Aidan." I said, pointing to them.

"Well, are you guys ready to see your mum?" She asked, taking them by the hand and bringing them down the corridor.

She turned to me.

"You go to cafe and get a coffee or something. You look exhausted. I'll look after these guys." She said.

I rubbed my eyes. I may have went to bed early with the twins the night before, but I didn't sleep for a while. I was awake worrying for a long time.

It's All So Beautiful *Roger Taylor Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now