You Don't Fool Me

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**Rogers POV**
I thought about how I could convince Megan to stay. I loved her so much, but it wasn't enough. I thought maybe the kids could be her bribe. There was no way I was letting her leave this time. I though about maybe asking Brian to come over and help me but this was my own problem and I had to fix it myself. I couldn't exactly hold her hostage or anything like that...... or could I?

**Megan's POV**
I left Ireland early in the morning and boarded the plane. I wanted to get it over with as quick as I could. My mother was extremely concerned about me going back to England but I convinced her to let me go. I hoped everything would be quick and easy, no fuss. As I sat on the plane, I thought about all the things myself and Roger had been through. I believe everything happens for a reason. Roger and I meeting and falling in love surely wasn't a mistake? Roger was my one and only love. I never thought of anyone the same way as I did of him. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the pilot came on the intercom and said we were landing. I got off the plane and Brian met me at the airport.

"Brian! What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised.

"I came to collect you. It's not safe travelling in London alone." He said.

"Did Roger send you?" I asked. He shook his head. I got into his car and we talked on the way up to our house.

I arrived outside and Brian dropped me off. I went into the house and Roger came out of the sitting room to meet me. He came over and hugged me. "Hi Roger." I whispered. "I missed you a lot." He said, pulling away from me, but keeping a firm grip on my upper arms. "So, I'll collect the kids and be on my way?" I said. He let go. "Oh no, no, no, no, Megan, stay for a little while, please." He said, looking me in the eyes. No matter the situation, that always got me. "Okay." I said. I sat down at the kitchen table and Roger boiled the kettle. "Do you want to go to dinner, or lunch or something like that?" He asked. "Roger, I just want to get the kids and go." "But why?" "You know why. Please." I said. Roger looked disappointed and turned the kettle off. He went into the room to get the kids. I looked around the kitchen. This was my home. I had so many memories here. I felt lost in regards as to what direction to go. I wanted to stay with Roger but I wanted to leave also.

Roger hadn't come back for a while so I went into the room to get him. He was sitting on the bed, changing Aidan. He got up, went behind me and closed the door. I heard it lock. "Roger?" I asked. "Shh." He said. I went to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. I jiggled the knob but to no avail. "Roger let me out. You're scaring me." I said. "You're not leaving." "Roger! Let me out! Now!" Roger flinched and it was as if he got snapped out of something. "I'm so sorry, Megan, I don't know what came over me." He said. He unlocked the door and I walked out. I went to the front door and opened it. "Wait, what are you doing?" He called out. "You tried to keep me hostage!" I said. "No please, I didn't. I just don't want to lose you." He said, crying. "I'm so sick of this." I said. "Me too." He said, rubbing his eyes. I went over to him and hugged him. "I wish it wasn't like this." I said. "Me too. Please just stay. We can work it out. I've been thinking about it. Please." He kissed me and I remembered the feeling of his lips on mine and how much I craved that feeling, how much I loved it and needed it. When Roger stopped kissing me he hugged me close, holding me tight. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." He said. "Please tell me you'll stay." "I will." I replied. He kissed my head, swaying me slowly. All this time I was trying to figure out my life, where it was going, trying to fix my problems, cure them. Only it took me this long to figure out that this whole time, Roger was the cure.

**** I got the last part from @johnlennonaid so thank you so much!!! 💓💓

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