You Say It's Enough

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*September 1st 1978*

I woke up that morning only to find that, once again, Roger had already left.

Of course, this didn't bother me specifically, because he was the last person I wanted to see, however, the kids kept asking for him, convinced he had left for good.

He had been going to the studio to record Queen's next album, leaving early every morning and returning at midnight. He was intentionally going out of his way so that he wouldn't have to face me.

I stopped making him breakfast and dinner and the kids were catching on.

"Mummy," they asked me one night while Roger was in the shower. "Why are you and daddy not talking?"

"Well," I started, thinking of how to phrase it right. "Me and daddy are going through a hard time right now, but I'm sure well sort it out soon."

"So you're not going to stop being married to him anymore?"

"No no," I said.

Once the kids were distracted from the topic of me and Roger, I headed upstairs to get out of my clothes.

Roger was standing at our wardrobe, getting clothes out, just wearing his towel.

"Well that's just stupid." He said.

"What?" I asked, through gritted teeth.

"Pretending to the kids that everything will be okay."

"Well I wasn't going to tell them that their parents hate each other was I?"

Roger looked at me. "You hate me?"

"Don't you hate me?"

He gulped. "No."

I looked at the floor, ashamed.

"Well you don't love me either do you?" I asked.

"Who said I stopped?" Said Roger, looking hurt.

"Well it sure looked like it, with you cheating and everything."

Roger frowned. "It was a mistake! Get it through your thick skull will you?" He said, slamming the wardrobe door.

"Get it through your thick skull that cheating on your wife has consequences!" I shouted, my voice shrill.

"I know it does!"

The room was silent and the air was heavy. We both stood, glaring at each other, our arms folded and frowning.

"Just go into the spare room." I spat.

"You always do this." He said.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Pack up all your troubles in a suitcase and send them off! You want me out of the room so that you don't have to deal with all this."

"You would do the same."

Roger tutted. "Since when do you know anything about me?"

"Listen to yourself! You'd think I didn't know you!"

"You don't! You've got this all messed up. I love you! But you're too angry to see."

"I'm sorry." I said.

Roger came over and took my hand.

"So am I."

I pulled my hands out of his.

"No. I'm sorry but I don't love you. This is it."


"It's over. I've given you so many chances to do the right thing and every time you ruin it. I'm done being left to pick up the pieces. I'm done. We're done."

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