03 - New People

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"So how come you moved to Sydney?" Calum asked me. We were sitting on his bed. I had been here for 30 minutes now and we were having a great time just laughing and talking

"My parents spilt so I moved here with my Mum"

"I'm sorry" Luke said to me with a frown.

"No, it had to happen" I smiled as I played with my fingers. "Anyways. I've told you about myself, it's your turn." I smiled at each of them.

"There's nothing to know really" they chuckled.

"Okay, how about i just ask questions and you answer? If you want to answer of course" I asked them both. They nodded in agreement. Being in their presence was oddly comfortable, I felt like I could be my self with out being judged. "Um.. What school do you go to?"

"The one just down the road. You're going there too aren't you?" Luke asked me.

"Yeah I am" Luke relaxed a bit from beside me. Yay. I will be at the same school as Luke and Calum. "Right, well do either of you have girl friends?" I asked. It's not that I wanted to be their girlfriends, but I secretly wanted Luke to be single. I have no idea why, as I have my own boyfriend.

"Nup, both single pringles" Calum said. We burst out laughing. We kept on talking until Calum's Mum came up stairs to tell us that dinner was ready. We all ran down stairs because we were starving. It was a nice night so the adults were sitting outside eating. Instead Calum, Luke and I grabbed something to eat and went to the lounge room to eat.

"What do you want to watch?" Calum asked Luke and I as we sat down next to each other.

"The Hunger Games! Can we watch The Hunger Games pretty please? It's my favourite movie at the moment" I said. Calum looked at Luke and nodded.

"Yeah okay" Luke agreed. I crossed my legs while I was sitting on the couch next to Luke who I noticed was looking at me. I looked at Luke and he quickly snapped his head to the TV where the movie started. Calum sat down on the floor in front of the coffee table and we all watched the movie.


There was not much time left in the movie. Katniss and Peeta were heading towards the Cornucopia and they can hear the weird dog things. This part always gives me the creeps. I let out a weird squeal when the dog jumped out of the bushes at Peeta and buried my head in Luke's shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Luke whispered in my ear. I lifted my head, my face just centimetres away from his.

"Um.. Yeah, I'm sorry" I whispered my reply. We laughed quietly still only centimetres apart.

"If you two are finished, you're missin' the movie" Calum said. Luke and I moved away quickly. I started giggling and looked over at Luke who was looking at me trying not to laugh. We finished watching the movie and Calum turned the lights on. I stood up from my position on the couch and picked up my plate.

"Do you want me to take your plates?" I asked Luke and Calum.

"Nah it's okay. I've got them" Calum went to take my plate, but I pulled it away.

"No I insist" I took both of their plates and walked to the kitchen. As I was walking back I could hear the boys talking.

"You like her, I can tell" I heard Calum say.

"No I don't okay, just leave it" I heard Luke reply defensively. I walked back in to the lounge room pretending I didn't hear anything.

"Hey, hey I'm back" I said sitting back on the couch next to Luke. We sat in silence for a moment.

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