51 - Mall

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"Look how cute it is!" I exclaimed as I showed Luke an adorable TARDIS plush toy.

"Since when did you watch Doctor Who?" Luke asked as he took the toy from my hands.

"When we broke up I put all my time into watching TV shows and studying" I said.

"Oh" Luke said as he pressed the 'Press Here' button and the TARDIS sound started to play.

"It's so cute! I'm going to get it!" I said as I took it back from Luke. I had managed to drag them to my favourite store, the book store. I had started to look at books but I got distracted by the Doctor Who section. Luke and I continued to look around at the little doctor who things they had.

"What's this?" He asked and I laughed.

"It's a sonic screwdriver Luke. You really need to watch Doctor Who, I think you would like it" I said as he put the object down and wrapped an arm around my waist. He kissed my cheek and I smiled up at him but we were interrupted.

"Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?" A little girl said. She looked about 5.

"Yeah we are" Luke said and smiled at her.

"You are really pretty" She said to me.

"Me? No you are way prettier" I said to her and she offered a toothy grin.

"No, you are prettier and you two are going to get married as well" She said with a nod.

"Maybe one day" Luke said and she smiled.

"My sister is always showing me pictures of you, she says you are the cutest couple she has ever seen" The girl said with a nod.

"Danielle! Where are you?!" I heard a girl call through the store. Then I saw a worried girl with dark hair emerge from one of the isles. She looked about Luke and I's age and a lot like the little girl in front on us.

"Is that your sister there?" I asked the little girl and she nodded.

"Dani! There you are! Don't run off like that" The older girl picked Danielle up and hugged her tightly.

"Sorry, but I found those people you always show me" Danielle said.

"What are you ta-" She stopped talking as she looked at Luke and I. "Oh my god" She said slowly. I smiled at her when she looked at me.

"Hey" Luke said.

"Hi" She squeaked.

"So I hear you are a fan" Luke said and the girl looked at her little sister.

"What did you tell them?" She said, obviously embarrassed.

"She didn't tell us much. Just that you always show her pictures of us and that you think that we are the cutest couple that you have ever seen" Luke said as he looked down at me and I nodded.

"Oh" She said. "Well, I'm Abigail"

"It's nice to meet you" I said to her and she smiled brightly at me.

"Did you want to get a photo?" Luke asked her. She nodded as she put Danielle down and pulled out her phone.

"Can you be in it too Olivia?" She asked.

"Oh, um, I don't really take pictures with fans. Sorry, it just leads to more hate on twitter" I said with a frown. Luke kissed my forehead and I looked up at him.

"Don't frown, you know I hate it when you do" Luke said and smiled at me, which of course caused me to smile.

"You two are so cute!" She exclaimed. I felt a blush creep on to my cheeks. I took her phone from her and Luke draped an arm around her shoulder. The smiled and I took a photo. I was about to take another one but Luke's name was called.

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