17 - This Could Get Interesting

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*Olivia's POV*

"So are you guys excited for the shows this weekend?" I asked Luke, Michael and Calum. They all nodded.

"Yeah its going to be awesome, can you believe it sold out though? And then when we put more shows on they sold out too! That's crazy" Michael said with a massive smile.

"Yeah, I'm so happy for you guys" I said. We were currently walking home from school, it's Friday thank god. I have just finished my second week of my new school and I must say I love it there. I made a few more new friends, three girls. A girl named Juliana, a girl named Claire who I sat next to in science and a girl called Eve who I met through Claire. All of them are really lovely.

"So what are you guys doing this afternoon?" I asked Calum and Michael, because Luke was coming over to my place. "Not much really, Ashton is going to come over and yeah we don't know. Probably just eat and play the play station" Calum said and we all laughed.

"You guys should come and hang out with us" I said. Their faces lit up with smiles.

"Okay, but we will meet you over at your place cause I want to get out of my uniform" Calum said. I nodded. Once we reached my place Calum and Michael went across the road and Luke and I went inside my house. Mum had gone out of town for two nights for meetings because of her new job so I had the place to myself.

We went upstairs and dumped our school bags on my bedroom floor. I walked over to my bed and laid down because I was wrecked. Luke walked over and laid next to me. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. He kissed me softly on my lips before his lips travelled down to my neck. He found my sweet spot and started to suck on it lightly. My fingers tangled in his hair as he carried out his action.

"I'm going to miss you" I breathed as I brought his lips back to mine. I continued running my fingers through his hair as we kissed, but we were interrupted but the doorbell. Now I'm kind of regretting inviting them over because I want to carry on with this with Luke but oh well. I jumped up from my bed and Luke pouted at me. His hair was sticking up in all directions and he had swollen lips from our make out session.

"If you want, you can get changed, oh and fix your hair" I laughed as I ran down stairs. I quickly opened the door. "hey guys" I said. I stepped out of the way and let them inside.

"We left you guys for ten minutes" they both laugh. Luke met me at the bottom of the stairs near the door. He stood behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"What?" I asked them. They pointed to their necks. Luke lifted his head from my shoulder.

"Oh sorry" He said. What on earth? "You've got a hicky on your neck again" He said. I felt my cheeks go red.

"Right well I'm going to go get changed, work out what you want to do" I said and ran upstairs. I quickly put on some shorts and a random shirt before I went back down stairs. I walked into the lounge room where the boys were and Ashton was here now.

"Hey Ash" I said as I sat down next to Luke. "So what are we going to do?" I asked the boys.

"Why don't we watch movies?" Calum asked us all. We all nodded.

"Okay, I will get food. You guys pick the movie" I said before walking into the kitchen. I was waiting for the popcorn to finish in the microwave when Ashton walked in.

"Hey Olivia" He smiled and leant against the island bench across from where I was.

"Hey Ash" I said. He smiled at me.

"Look, ever since Luke has met you he has been acting differently" He said and I frowned. "A good different. I don't know what it is you do but he is so much more happier now and the boys and I just wanted to thank you" he said and pulled me in for a hug. I leant my head against Ashton's chest. "You don't know how much that means to us. We were really worried"

"I didn't know it was that bad" I whispered to my self.

"What was that bad?" Ashton asked. Shit!

"How long was he like this?" I questioned as I took a step back from him.

"As long as I have known him" He said and I nodded before I made my way over to the microwave to get out the popcorn. I had never known how long Luke's problem had carried on for. "Do you mind helping with the drinks?" I asked Ashton. He nodded and grabbed 3 of the drinks. I carried out two large bowls of popcorn.

I walked back to the kitchen, grabbed the last two drinks and went back to the lounge room. I sat the drinks on the coffee table and sat down next to Luke on the couch. "What are we watching?" I asked.

"Iron man" Calum, who was sitting next to me, said. When the movie started I started to get a little cold. Luke must have noticed because he pulled me closer and also got the blanket off the back of the couch for us both. I rested my head on Luke's chest and continued to watch the movie.

Near the end of the movie I could feel Luke's hand on the top of my thigh. He started to trace patterns and his hand gradually got higher. I didn't mind because it was just the top of my thigh. His hand was near the bottom of my shorts which were kind of short. Luke's fell from the top on my thigh to the inside of my thigh and when this happened I squealed. Calum, Ashton and Michael all looked at me when this happened.

"You okay Liv?" Luke asked me with a cheeky smirk.

"Fine" I said as I grabbed Luke's hand as moved it away from me. The three boys in the room that had no idea what was going on looked at both Luke and I weirdly before turning their heads back to the screen.

I leant over to Luke. I placed my hand on the inside of his thigh and slowly moved it up. "Two can play at this game" I whispered as I grazed my lips over his ear. I felt Luke tense beneath me as I continued to move my hand. He quickly grabbed my hand and moved it before leaning down to drink the remained of his coke. I giggled to myself as I leant back on the couch. The movie finished and the credits started to roll.

"I'm just going to get another drink" I said. I picked up my cup and quickly made my way towards the kitchen. I was pouring my drink when two hands wrapped around my hips. I knew it was Luke. I quickly finished pouring my drink, screwed the lid on the bottle and turned around. Luke instantly crashed is lips on mine. I kissed back just as passionately as he lifted me up and sat me on the bench. Luke pulled away from me and once again started to attack my neck with his lips. Luke moaned softly on my neck as I began to ran my fingers through his hair and tug lightly.

"That was cruel" He said to me once he pulled away from me. "You looked so hot as you sat there and I couldn't kiss you because they were there. Why do you do this to me?"

I kissed him again but we were interrupted by Michael. "Come on guys, really!" he said. I pulled away from Luke and got off the island bench. I turned around to see where Michael was standing. Luke wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. "Come on, we are going to play truth or dare" Michael said and walked out of the room. I turned around and pecked Luke on the lips. His hair was even messier than it was before Calum and Michael got here but I decided not to tell him.

"Come on, this could get interesting" I smiled and dragged Luke into the lounge room.

© xKelsey5SOSx

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