07 - Day In The Pool

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"Should we wake her up?" I heard a voice whisper.

"Nah, lets just sit here and wait for her to wake up. Of course we should wake her up you nob!" I heard another voice whisper. While they were whispering I opened my eyes a tiny bit to see who it was. Of course, it was the boys. I decided to scare them so while they were whispering I jumped up. "BOO!" I yelled. Ashton and Calum freaked out while Luke fell over from laughing. Michael and I burst in to fits of laughter.

"Don't do that Olivia!" Calum complained clutching his chest. I could not stop laughing.

"You scared me half to death!" Ashton said as he grabbed my pillow hit me with it.

"That was brilliant, I didn't think it would work" I threw my head back as I laughed. Soon we all calmed down. "Okay, you guys will need to leave so that I can change" I said.

"Can't I stay?" Luke asked me as the boys left and he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Get out!" I laughed. Once they were all out I got out my black studded bikini and put it on. I also put a pair of high waisted light wash denim shorts and a black tank top. I also put my hair up in a pony tail. Once I was done I ran down stairs to meet the boys in the kitchen.

"You guys got all your swimming stuff?" I asked them. They all said yes. I quickly grabbed an apple, my sunglasses, a towel, the sunscreen and my phone. "Come on" I said. We all made our way out side to the pool. Michael, Calum and Ashton dumped all their stuff on the ground before jumping straight into the pool. Luke and I laughed at them before making our way to the pool chairs. I laid my towel out on the chair, put my apple and the sunscreen on the table next to it. I walked over to the outdoor sound system and plugged my iPhone in. I pressed shuffle and All Time Low started playing. The boys and I started yelling the lyrics and laughing.

I sat down on my chair and ate my apple, Luke was still sitting on the chair next to me. I wonder why he's not in the pool?

"Luke, why aren't you swimming?" I asked him before taking a bite of my apple

"I could ask you the same thing" He grinned at me. I laughed.

"I'm eating my breakfast" I told him. He laughed but didn't respond. I finished eating my apple and threw it in the bin. I went back to my chair and took off my tank top to reveal the top part of my bikini. I could feel Luke looking at me. I turned and smirked at him and he quickly looked away. I sat back down and started putting sunscreen on. Once I had done everywhere but my back I needed help. I turned to Luke who was looking at his phone.

"Luke, can you help me?" I asked, he smirked at me. "The guys are right there, they will give me shit about it"

"Fine I will get one of them to do it"

"I never said I wouldn't do it" He smirked at me. I handed him the bottle. He started putting the cream on my back. Before he whispered. "That's a nice mark you've got on your neck there" I had completely forgot about the mark! Shit all the boys are going to see it! Luke finished with the sunscreen and I leant back in my chair

"Oi you two hurry - Whoa, Olivia! You've got a big arse hickey on your neck!" Michael pointed it out. Shit!

"Did you and your boyfriend get up to some fun while you were in Melbourne?" Calum asked and the boys laughed. I could feel a lump in my throat as I thought of him cheating on me. I thought about how I wasn't good enough for him. The boys don't know what happened yet obviously. I quickly got up off my chair and ran inside not wanting to cry in front of them. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. I managed to hold back my tears as I stood at the bench.

"Liv! Where are you?" I heard Luke call. He came in to the kitchen. I put my glass of water down on the bench and walked straight up to him. He opened his arms and hugged me.

"Sorry, I didn't want to cry" I said.

"It's okay, you can cry if you want to" Luke kissed my head and traced patterns into the bare skin on my back. I looked up at him, straight in the eyes. This boy is so amazing. His big blue eyes, his perfectly messy hair. I was falling for this boy, falling hard.

I pressed my lips against his, my eyes fluttered shut as the kiss deepened and our lips moved in sync. Luke's hands cupped under my legs and lifted me up. He sat me on the cold bench as we kissed. I broke the kiss and leant my forehead on his. I looked at him in the eyes, he was staring straight back at me.

"Thank you" I kissed him on the cheek. "For being there for me" I kissed his other cheek. "No matter what" I whispered and kissed on the lips again. I could feel the smile on his lips as we kissed. Luke stopped kissing me on the lips. Instead he kissed along my jaw and down my neck to the hickey. He pressed light kisses to the mark he left on my body. His lips trailed back up to mine planting one more kiss on them.

"Come on, before they think we ran away" He said. He lifted me off the bench and placed me on the ground. We went back outside and Calum was sitting on the outside of the pool while Ashton and Michael were talking to him from inside the pool.

"Olivia, are you okay?" Calum asked me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you" He said standing up from the pool.

"It's fine." I smiled at him before taking a deep breath. "It's just yesterday I found out that Dylan cheated on me with my best friend, so that's why I came home earlier"

"I'm sorry" He said, "Come here" He said, he came closer to give me a hug but he was all wet from the pool. Calum quickly wrapped his arms around me. I screamed as he picked me up and threw me in the pool.

"Calum! I'm going to kill you!" We all laughed. My shorts were soaked so I quickly got out to take them off. Luke was still sitting on the chair. "Hey, you coming in?" I asked him as I took my shorts off and hung them over the pool fence.

"Yeah, maybe." He smiled at me.

"Please come in" I said to him.

"What will you do for me?" He asked.

"You will have to wait and see" I winked at him. I grabbed his hand and led him to the pool. "Are you going in with your shirt on?" I asked him.

"Yeah" He looked at the water, then back at me. He had a smirk on his face. Luke tried to push me in the pool, but I grabbed his hand and he fell in with me. We both came up above the water. I laughed at Luke. "I got you" I poked his nose and we laughed together. I felt something grab my leg under the water. I screamed. Luke pulled me close to him and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Ashton popped up in front of us. He started laughing.

"That was so easy!" He continued laughing.

"Don't worry, we'll get him back" Luke whispered in my ear. We stayed in the pool for about an hour messing around and talking about stuff. I was still getting to know Calum, Ash and Michael so it was good to be able to have that time to do that.

"I'm getting out" I told the boys with a smile. I got out of the pool and got my towel. I wrapped it around my body and sat on my chair. Calum got out of the pool as well and sat on the chair next to me. We sat and watched the other guys as they mucked about in the pool. Luke kept glancing at me and smiling.

"He likes you, you know that right?" Calum broke the silence between us.

"Doubt it" I smirked at him.

"Trust me, he does. And you like him"

"And how do you know that?" I asked him as I looked at him with a smile.

"Oh you do, don't you?" He raised his eye brows at me.

"Maybe I do" I replied with a smirk.

© xKelsey5SOSx

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