"So when are you going to London?" I asked Luke as we laid on the sun chair together while the others were in the pool.
"Soon" He said as he twirled a piece of hair that had fallen out of my bun around his finger.
"How long are you going for?" I said as I snuggled closer to his side.
"3 months" Luke told me and I felt my heart drop. No Luke for 3 months. My best friends will be gone for 3 months.
"I'm going to miss you but I am really proud of you" I said as I kissed his cheek. He smiled down at me and he started to talk about how excited he was about going. I smiled at how happy he was as I traced a pattern on his stomach with my finger.
"Will you love birds stop being so cuddly? It's sickening" Michael said as he rested his arms on the edge of the pool. Just to annoy him and leant up and kissed Luke. As we kissed we kind of forgot the others were there as Luke pulled me up on to his lap so that I was sitting on him, my legs either side of him.
"Great! Now they are making out!" Calum said loudly. I pulled away from Luke and smirked at him. I turned my head around and looked at the others.
"Stop complaining just because you don't get any of this" I said and Calum laughed. I turned back to Luke and he leant forward and pressed his lips to my neck lightly. I leant down and laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes but I was interupted as cold wet hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me away from Luke. I was put on someone's shoulder as I screamed and was thrown in the pool. When I came back up they were all laughing. I wanted to get Luke in as he was still sitting on the chair.
"Luke can you come here a sec and help me out?" I asked and he shook his head. "Please?" I begged and he shook his head once more. "Fine, Ashton can you help me please?"
"What's up?"
"Oh, the top piece of my swimmers has come undone at the back and I can't get it. Do you mind fixing it for me?" I asked and looked to Luke who glared at me and then Ashton. Ashton swam over and went to fix the clip but Luke told him to back off and he got in the pool.
"How did it even come undone?" Luke asked me as his fingers grazed over my skin while he fixed the top piece of my swimmers.
"When Calum threw me in it must have come undone. It does it some times"
"Why did you get Ashton to help you?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me under the water. I shrugged my shoulders.
"You weren't helping" I muttered as Luke moved us over to the steps that allowed you to enter the pool. He sat down on one of the stairs, his arms still wrapped around my waist from behind me. I laid my head back on his shoulder and smiled up at him as he looked around the yard, softly singing along to the music. He looked so calm as his eyes roamed around the large area.
"What are you looking at?" He asked as he looked down at me. I just shrugged my shoulders.
"Nothing" I said as I looked away. "I'm getting out, I am getting a head ache" I said as I turned around.
"Do you need me to go get you anything?" He asked and I shook my head.
"No it's okay, I am just going to have one of those tablets. I will be back soon" I said before kissing his cheek and getting out of the water. I picked up my towel and wrapped it around me. I quickly dried myself off before walking in side and up to my room. I got out my head ache tablets and took one before making my way back down stairs. As I was walking through the kitchen my mum called me into the lounge room.
"Yeah?" I asked her.
"Are you okay?" She questioned.
"Yeah, I was just getting a head ache" I smiled at her.