23 - McDonalds

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After Luke and I finished our emotional moment in my kitchen, Luke put his wrist bands back on and I cleaned up my makeup before when crossed the road to Calum's place. We knocked on the door and Ashton answered. "Olivia!" He yelled and hugged me. I laughed and he let me go.

"Good to see you too Ashton" I said. We walked inside and into Calum's lounge room where Michael and Calum were playing fifa.

"Hey guys" I said.

"Olivia I missed you!" Michael yelled as he paused the game and ran over to me. He hugged me as well but he also spun me around. I burst out laughing and so did he. He put me down and Luke wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Hey Luke" Michael said as they high fived one another. "How's it going?" He asked him.

"I'm better now" Luke said as he smiled down at me and kissed my cheek. When we sat down on the couch and watched Michael and Calum finish their game I looked across the room to Ashton who was looking at me. I smiled and he smiled back before mouthing 'Thank you'. I smiled again.

I picked up Luke's hand and begun to trace patterns on the back of it. He looked down to me and smiled. I smiled back up at him before I kissed his cheek.

"So what are you guys doing tomorrow?" Calum asked once he had beaten Michael.

"I'm staying at home all day, oh what fun" I said with a frown.

"Why don't you hang with- oh wait. Never mind" Ashton said. I nodded.

"Yeah, sorry guys" I said. We sat on the couch and talked for a while.

"I'm hungry" Michael complained again.

"Why don't we do a Macca's run?" Ashton asked.

"Whose going to drive dipshit?" Michael asked and I laughed.

"Why don't we ask Mali?" Luke said. Calum nodded.

"I will go get her" Cal said and ran upstairs.

"Who's Mali?" I asked. Luke told me that she was Calum's older sister. We sat on the couch for a few minutes before Calum and his beautiful sister came down stairs.

"Right, which one of you is coming for a drive with me?" She asked. She looked around the room to each of the boys before her eyes landed on me.

"Hi" She said. "I'm Mali, Calum's older sister. You must be Olivia?" She said. I smiled.

"Yeah I am. It's lovely to meet you" I told her.

"Mali, why don't you take Olivia with you? You know, so that you can get to know each other" Luke said. Mali nodded.

"Come on you" She said to me with a big smile. "Text Olivia what you want" She said as we walked out of the room.

"Mali! Wait! Can I ask you a quick question?" Luke said as he ran up to the front door. Mali nodded.

"What?" She asked when he didn't continue.

"In here" He said as they walked towards the kitchen. What on earth? I walked back into the lounge room.

"What is up with him?" I asked the boys as I leant against the wall in the lounge room. I few seconds later Mali and Luke joined us again. Luke kissed my cheek quickly before Mali and I left. We got in her car and drove off down the road.


"I will see you tomorrow maybe" Luke said as he stood outside my front door. I had to get home because it was getting late, but Luke was staying at Calum's. Luke leant forward and pressed his lips to mine. Luke pulled away and leant his forehead on mine. "Happy Birthday" He said. I giggled as he smiled at me and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"You should get back to Calum's before you get a cold" I giggled again.

"You just want to get rid of me, don't you?" He joked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How did you know?" I asked with a smile. He laughed before he as he kissed me one last time.

"Text me if you get lonely, I will come over straight away" He said before he ran across the road. "Go to sleep beautiful, you're going to need it" He yelled out and I laughed as I walked inside. I showered and put on my PJ's. Just before I turned my lamp off I got a text.

Luke: Happy Birthday beautiful xx

Me: Thank you xx <3

Sure enough when I checked the time it was 12:03 am. It was my 16th birthday and I was going to be spending it alone in my room doing homework and drinking tea.

© xKelsey5SOSx

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