34 - Studio

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"Well, hi Olivia" An annoying voice said from behind me. An annoying voice I know all to well. I rolled my eyes as I decided to ignore her as I picked out the cereal my mum asked me to grab. I was currently grocery shopping with my mum and she forgot the cereal so she asked me to grab it while she lined up. I quickly picked a box of cereal off the shelves before I turned to walk away. I was stopped by cold hands grabbing my arm and yanking me back. "Where do you think you're going you little slut?" She said

"Look Amy, just leave me alone" I told Amy as I spun around to face her. She had an annoying grin on her lips. She laughed at me.

"You are such a stupid bitch Olivia. Look I'm just here to warn you about something" she said as she let go of my arm.

"Well I don't want your warning, so leave me alone" I told her. I turned to walk away again but as I started to walk my called out.

"It's about Luke" She sung. I stopped in my tracks. What would she have to warn me about Luke? I turned around to her and she nodded.

"Good thinking. Now, I just wanted you to now that you are going to get hurt in all this. Someone, who isn't you, is going to end up with Luke while you cry in your bed room over Luke no one is going to be there to comfort you. Trust me it's going to happen" She told me with a smile. I just rolled my eyes and turned around.

"What ever Amy, you don't scare me" I told her before turning the corner and walking to my Mum. I walked over to her and placed the box in the trolley. After we went through the check out we made our way to the car. On the way we ran into Calum's Mum. Of course we were there for about twenty minutes talking. Well, they were talking and I was bored.

I started to think of what Amy had said. I kind of lied to her, I was a bit scared of what she had said. I can't help it but a little bit of me kind of believes what she told me is going to happen. It kind of scares me but I just ignore it all.

"Right best be off. Bye" My mum said.

"Okay, bye. Bye Olivia" Calum's mum waved to me. I returned it. "Bye Mrs Hood" I called out as she started to walk away. I caught up to my mum and helped her put all the groceries in the car. We drove home. We took the bags in side and unpacked them. Once I put the last thing away I went up to my room. It's a about a week until Luke's birthday and I still have no idea what to get him. I decided to go ask Calum.

I ran down stairs and told my Mum I was going to Calum's for a little while before I left the house. I walked over the road and knocked on Calum's door. Mali answered it. "Hey Olivia. What's up?" She asked.

"Oh, I just needed to talk to Calum. It's Luke's birthday in a few days and I have no idea what to get him so maybe Calum has a suggestion." Mali just laughed at me.

"Calum is a boy and boys are clueless so there is no point in going to him" Mali said with a laugh. I laughed too as Calum, who had just come down the stairs, made a funny face.

"Hey!" Calum said with his hands raised. "I am not clueless" he said as I walked inside and Mali shut the door. I walked over to Calum and hugged him. "Hey, what's up?" Calum asked.

"I need some help" I told him. We went and sat on the lounge and I explained my problem.

"Oh, okay... Well he keeps on going on about this guitar that he really wants" Calum told me as he looked around the room.

"Well, why don't I take Luke to the music shop and he can pick out a guitar? Cause I wouldn't want to just buy it for him and have him not like it or something" I asked calum.

"Yeah, that's a great idea actually" Calum said with a smile. "So what are doing this afternoon?" Calum asked me.

"Not much really, just going to hang out at home on my laptop" I laughed at how boring my life actually is sometimes.

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