37 - Pains

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"Shit!" I mumbled under my breath as I woke up to a horrible pain in my stomach. Those horrible pains were, of course, period pains. I detached myself from Luke before getting up and walking over to my bag. I got out what I needed before making my way to the bathroom. When I walked back in the pains had gotten worse, my back was aching and I had an extreme craving for salt and vinegar chips. Yep, whenever I am on my period I crave potato chips, chocolate or milkshakes. That's just the way it is for me.

I needed to get some pain killers but I didn't have any in my bag. I didn't want to wake Luke considering it was two in the morning. I just laid back down next to him and tried to sleep. After about ten minutes the pain was continuing to get worse. I needed something to stop it. I leant over to Luke and poked his cheek.

"Luke... Luke wake up" I said. I shook his shoulder a bit. He started to stir and his eye's opened.

"What time is it?" He asked. His voice was thicker and deeper than usual and I must say it was quite attractive.

"Two in the morning" I whispered. I winced in pain and Luke looked worried.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he sat up.

"Mother nature decided that she would make her monthly visit" I said. Luke laughed before he became serious again.

"I will go get you some pain killers" Luke said before getting up. He turned on his lamp before smiling at me and walking out of the room. A few minutes passed and Luke walked in with a glass of water, pain killers, a packet of salt and vinegar chips plus a hard drive.

"Here you go" He said as he gave me the things he was holding.

"How did you know I was craving these?" I asked completely stunned.

"Well last time you had your... stuff you craved salt and vinegar chips and told me that if you ever had your 'stuff' than to get you chips. We were lucky to have some in the cupboard" He smiled as he sat down next to me. Aw, that is so cute! I love how he hates to say period so he says stuff instead. "Also we can watch movies if you want, that's why I brought the hard drive up. Oh, which reminds me. I will be back, I made some tea" He smiled at me and kissed my nose before going down stairs.

I smiled to my self. I can't believe that he remembers that. It was ages ago when I told him that, I couldn't even remember it without him reminding me of it. I took some tablets to help get rid of the pain. I drank the rest of the water in the glass before resting it on Luke's bedside table. Luke walked in and placed to coffee cups on his bed side.

"I also have this for you" Luke said before handing me a heat pack that he was holding under his arm. Luke sat down next to me and I wrapped my arms around him.

"You are the best boyfriend" I told him before kissing him lightly. He smiled back at me before grabbing his laptop. I grabbed my tea and rested my back against the wall behind Luke's bed. I sipped my tea as Luke searched for a movie.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Luke said.

"I don't know, but no sappy romance movies or I think I will throw up" I said with a small laugh.

"Why don't we watch Harry Potter?" Luke asked. I nodded. We set up the pillows behind us so that we were comfortable before Luke sat his laptop on his bed. I laid my head on his shoulder as he pressed play. Once I was done Luke placed my cup on his bedside table before we opened the chips.

The first Harry Potter movie was about to finish and the cramps were pretty much gone. I looked up at Luke who was focusing on the end of the movie. I smiled and kissed his cheek. Luke looked down at me and smiled.

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