42 - Dinner

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*Olivia's POV*

That week I didn't go to school. I got sick on the weekend and I had been throwing up ever since. I could hardly eat anything without throwing it back up again and I guess that was good. I had been getting heaps of texts from this unknown number and they were just constantly telling me that I wasn't good enough and that I was too fat and ugly to be with Luke anyways. It didn't help that I was still extremely upset about my break up with Luke. I hadn't spoken to any of the other boys since that day and I am dreading seeing them at school.

It was now Friday afternoon and I hadn't thrown up since Thursday night which was good. My mum was taking me to the shops down the road because I hadn't left the house since Monday when I went to the doctor's office. I quickly slipped on a pair of jeans and a random shirt. I didn't realise until I was in the car that it was a 5SOS shirt, the one with the adorable penguin holding a piece of Lego. We got out of the car and walked inside the store. Of course we ran into Calum's mum who invited us over for dinner on Saturday night. Once we walked away I turned to my mum.

"Mum, I can't go to that dinner" I told her.

"And why not?" She asked me. All she knew was that Luke and I broke up. Not the fact that both Luke and Calum hate me.

"Because... Because I don't think I would be comfortable being around my ex-boyfriend's best friend"

"Oh for god sake Olivia, you will be fine. You broke up with your boyfriend not your friends. You are going and that is final." I groaned as we continued to walk around the busy shop. Once we were done we went to the check out. When we got home I went straight to my bedroom. I have hardly left here all week unless it was to go to the bathroom or the kitchen.


"Come on Liv" My mum said as she poked her head into my room. I took a deep breath before checking my appearance in the mirror. I was wearing my favourite high waisted jeans and my loose grey Blink 182 crop top. I quickly slipped on my black converse before walking down stairs. I checked that I had my phone and keys in my pocket then my Mum and I made our way across the road. I had my keys just in case I had to escape and come home early. I felt really nervous now. My mum knocked on the door and a moment later Mrs Hood answered.

I got a text message just as the door opened.

Unknown: Remember, your punishment will be physical if you become their friends again. Enjoy your dinner you fat slut

I quickly locked my phone and looked up at Mrs Hood. I tried to keep a straight face but it was hard because I was even more nervous than I was before.

"Hello, how are you?" She asked with a welcoming smile as she hugged my mum.

"Good thanks. How about you?"

"Brilliant, come in" She said before stepping out of the way to let us inside. We walked in and Mrs Hood turned to me.

"All the boys are over for night, they are just in the lounge" She said and I now I felt even more nervous which I didn't think was possible.

"Wait, all of them are here?" She just nodded before she walked off with my mum. I was tempted to turn around and walk out of the house but I knew I should at least hang around for a little while. I walked towards the lounge room and took a deep breath, just before I walked in Luke walked out and turned to go up the stairs. The stairs I was standing right by.

"Olivia?" Luke said in a hushed tone with big eyes. My breath caught in my throat and I could feel the tears that were threatening to fall. I didn't trust my voice at this moment. Luke was standing right in front of me. I could feel his warm breath on my face as he looked at me with wide eyes. He looked breath taking. He was only wearing a pair of sweats and a plain shirt but he still managed to look as attractive as ever. His hair was like it is usually, swept to the side but he looked really tired. I quickly walked away from him in the direction of the bathroom. Once I was in there I locked the door and I tried to keep back the tears but it failed miserably . About 2 minutes later I heard a knock on the door which pulled me from my thoughts.

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