"Luke's In hospital" She told me. The blood drained from my face as I felt myself get dizzy.
"Is he okay?" Calum asked, his voice hoarse. I couldn't speak, I was completely stunned and I could feel the tears starting to form.
"We don't know, they haven't told us anything. I am just coming home to get some things before going back" She sniffled. She told me the name of the hospital before she got in the car and drove back to the hospital.
"Olivia.. Are you okay?" I broke down for the 2nd time in the course of 24 hours. Calum held me in his arms as I sobbed. "Come on, lets go home and get changed then I will call Ashton to take us to the hospital." I nodded as we started to walk home. While we were walking Calum called Ashton and he agreed to pick us up.
"I don't hate you" Calum said as we turned on to our street. I stayed quiet and wrapped my arms around myself. My eyes were wide and all I could think of was Luke. "Liv..."
"Why did you walk out on me like that? It was like you didn't even give it a second thought"
"After I did I realized that, that was the worst decision that I had ever made. Today I actually realized how much of a bitch Juliana is! All she did was talk about you!" Calum said as we approached my house. "Now go get changed and then we will go see Luke" Calum said.
I ran inside my house and up the stairs as quickly as I could. I quickly got changed into a pair of jeans and a jumper before slipping on some converse. I shoved my phone and keys in my pocket before running down stairs. I quickly made my way across the road to Calum's house and Ashton pulled into the drive way. Ashton got out of the car and ran up to me. I felt a tear fall down my cheek.
"Liv, are you okay?" he asked as he pulled me into a tight hug. I shook my head. I heard the door behind me shut as more tears fell. "Come on, let's go" Ashton said as he walked me over to the car. I sat down in the passenger seat and Calum and Ashton got in then we left for the hospital. After a few minutes of the only noise in the car being the engine and me sniffling, Ashton broke it.
"Liv, talk to me" He said as he placed his hand on my knee. When I didn't respond he continued. "Liv, you are one of my best friends. You are so important to me"
"Then why did you walk out yesterday Ashton?!" I yelled.
"I don't know to be honest. At first I believed her and then at Calum's place, when she was explaining everything to us I realized that she was lying. I felt horrible for leaving you and I wanted to go back but I knew I couldn't, well at least not yesterday." he said. A few minutes later we pulled into the hospital. As soon as Ashton parked the car we all got out and ran inside. I couldn't even speak. I was still crying and I was a complete mess. Ashton spoke to the nurse and Calum stood with me.
"Liv, you are so pale" Calum said as he pulled me into his chest.
"Come on" Ashton said. He put out his hand which I took. Calum took my other hand Ashton lead us to Luke's room. When we got there both of Luke's parents were there as well as his brother. Liz walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me. I let go of Ashton and Calum's hands and hugged her back.
"We haven't seen him yet" She said. "He has been here all day, got here this morning and still nothing"
"What happened?" I sniffled.
"I'm going to leave that for him to tell you, it's for your own good sweetie" Liz said as she wiped one on my tears away.
"Okay, I just hope he is okay"
"I know that he is going to be okay, as long as he has his family, friends and you he will get through anything" She said with a small smile before turning around and walking over to her husband. Ashton and Calum walked up to me as I sat down on the floor with my back against the wall and my knees against my chest. Calum and Ashton sat either side of me and each of them held my hands.