I walked into my bedroom and sitting on my bed was a package. It had bright blue wrapping paper around it with a big dark blue bow on top that was sticking the envelope on top to the package. I wonder what this is doing here. I walked over to my bed and sat down next to the box. I plucked the envelope out from under the bow. Written on the front was Olivia in neat, curvy hand writing on it. I opened the letter and pulled out a card. On the front of the card was a big 16 with a little bear hugging it, so cute! I opened it and a gift card for iTunes, fell out. In the card there was a message.
Dear Olivia,
I know that over the past few weeks I haven't been the best Mum. I've actually been quite horrible. I just wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry. I love you more than you could ever imagine and I never want you to forget that. You are my little baby girl and I can still remember the day you were born like it was yesterday and now you are 16 which is crazy and makes me feel old :(
So I wanted to say a big Happy 16th Birthday baby girl! I hope you had an amazing day with Luke, yes I knew all about it. He talked to me on Saturday morning when I got home from work about taking you out. It was so cute, he was really scared and then when I told him that you could go he was so happy. I really think that Luke is the right person for you Olivia, yeah I know that you are only in year 10 but I honestly think that you guys are meant for each other.
I love you my little 16 year old.
Mum xx
When I finished reading the card I couldn't help the smile on my lips. I placed the card on my bedside table before moved to the box sitting on my bed. I opened the paper up and inside was a plain cardboard box with a lid on it. I took the lid off and saw the most amazing things. A new camera that would have cost an arm and a leg and a new iPhone. I can't believe this! Before I took anything out of the box I ran out of my room.
"Mum?!" I called through the house.
"In the kitchen" My Mum yelled back. I bolted down the stairs and into the kitchen. My mum was drinking some coffee. I ran over to her and hugged her tightly.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squealed as I hugged her. "But you spent so much money! You really didn't have to!" I said as I pulled away from her embrace.
"Yes, I did. I was so horrible to you and I couldn't repay you in anyway so I hope this makes up for it. But your Dad brought the camera and sent it up a while ago. He said to give it to you on your birthday" She told me.
"I hope he is okay, have you heard anything about him?" I asked. She nodded.
"Yes I have. He is recovering but is still in a coma but they think that he will wake within the next two weeks" She said with a smile. I smiled back.
"That's great. But Mum, you didn't have to buy me stuff to get me to forgive you, I already did forgive you remember? I love you mum and thank you!" I smiled at her. I kissed her cheek and hugged her again.
"Oh god look at the time! I have got to go, are you going to be alright?" She asked me. I nodded.
"Yep, I might invite Luke or one of the boys over to keep me company" I told her.
"Okay, love you" She quickly kissed my forehead before grabbing her bag and running out the door.
I ran back up stairs and into my room. I sat on my bed and got out the camera and iPhone. I decided that I would set up my phone before playing with my camera. I got my laptop out and sat it on my bed. I plugged the charger into the wall and then the laptop. While I waited for my laptop to start up I got out my new phone. It was so cool! It was black and really light compared to my iphone 3, which was a hand me down from my Mum so it was not in the best condition. I set up my phone and once it was done I called Luke.
"Hey beautiful" He said after obviously checking the caller id.
"Do you answer your phone like that for everyone, because it's a bit weird if you do" I said and he laughed.
"Ha ha you are so funny olivia" Luke said with obvious sarcasm in his tone. I laughed.
"How was your after noon with your mum?" He asked me. I laid back on my pillows as he spoke.
"Good, she apologized for everything and she gave me a birthday present" I cheered as I was still really excited about it.
"Cool, what did you get?" He asked.
"A camera from my dad and a new phone from my mum" I told him.
"Do you like them?" He asked me.
"Love them" I said with a smile. I heard some one yell something in the background before Luke yelled.
"Calum! Will you shut up!" I laughed as they yelled at each other, not aggressively just yelled instead of spoke like normal people
"I got to go, Calum wants to order pizza and his phone is dead" Luke laughed before he continued. "I will see you tomorrow" He said.
"Okay, I love you" I said quietly.
"I love you too, bye!" He said. "BYE OLIVIA!" I heard Calum yell in the background.
"See you tomorrow" I said before hanging up the phone. I placed it down on my desk. Now I need to do my homework, what a horrible way to end a perfect weekend.
© xKelsey5SOSx