"You look beautiful!" My mum said happily. I smiled at her as I looked at my reflection. It was formal night. I was wearing a dress that came to about three quarters of the way down my thigh. It was strapless and the top was black. The bottom was a light blue colour and in the middle there was a big bow that matched the colour of the bottom of the dress. I wanted to wear some converse with it but my mum refused to let me so I had a pair of black ballerina flats that had a bow on the end. My hair was mainly natural but the ends were curled.
"I think Luke is here" My mum said before running down stairs. I checked my makeup once more, I hardly had any on but I had to put some on my neck because the hickey Luke left on the weekend hadn't disappeared yet.
"Olivia! He's here!" I heard my Mum call. I took a deep breath before I picked my bag up off of my bed. I walked out of my room and down stairs. Luke was in the lounge room looking at the ground. He was rocking back and forth on his feet nervously.
"Hey" I said. He looked up at me and his eyes went wide.
"You look- wow" he said with a smile. I felt my cheeks warm up as I looked at my feet. "I'm just going to put my bag up stairs" Luke said awkwardly as my Mum stood in the room with us. He picked up his back pack before walking up to me. He placed a hand on my waist before kissing my cheek lightly. He tucked some of my hair behind my ear before smiling and walking up stairs.
"You two are so cute" My mum said. "Okay, so I will get some photo's of the two of you and then you can go across to Calum's place to get a lift with them. By the way, I might not be here when you get back. I may have to work" She told me with a small smile. "But, just remember to be safe, you know what I mean" she said and I looked around awkwardly.
"I know mum, so does Luke. Don't worry about us" I smiled at her before pulling her in for a hug.
"I just can't believe my little girl has finished high school, I remember when you went in to kindy. You were so cute and-"
"Mum!" I groaned and pulled out of the hug. Luke walked back in and smiled at me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. He looked breathtaking tonight. He was wearing black dress pants, a blue shirt that matched the colour of my dress and a black vest over the top. His hair was swept to the side like usual.
"Okay, now smile" My mum said after she got the camera. We smiled for a few and then Luke leant down and kissed my cheek for another. "Okay, now kiss him Olivia" Mum said. I leant up and kissed his cheek but Luke turned his head last second and kissed me. The flash went off and that's when I decided I was done with taking photos.
"I've had enough photo's for now and we have to go meet Calum" I said as I laid my head on Luke's shoulder.
"Okay, I will walk you over" My Mum said. She took the camera with her of course. I checked I had everything I needed in my bag. I looked at Luke who was waiting by the front door. He smiled and held out his hand. I took his hand and entwined our fingers. We walked out side and across the road to Calum's house. We decided that it would be easier for us all to go together. We knocked on the door and Calum's Mum opened it.
"Olivia! You look gorgeous!" She gasped as she pulled me in for a hug.
"She does, doesn't she" My Mum said. We all walked inside and Calum was sitting in the lounge room on the couch.
"Wow Liv, you look awesome" He said as he got up and gave me a hug.
"You don't look so bad your self" I smiled at him. Cal was wearing a dark blue shirt, white suspenders, a black bow tie and black pants. He also had a hat perched on top of his head. We all got a few photos before we made our way out to the car.