09 - Sing Me A Song

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"Luke, please sing for me now?" I begged as I sat next to him on the couch. Luke and I have just had breakfast, now I'm trying to get him to sing for me but he keeps on refusing. "You pinkie promised!" I pouted at him.

"Fine, let me just get my guitar" he kissed my cheek and walked off. I was sitting on the couch waiting for Luke to come back when there was a knock at the door. I walked over to the window to see who it was. It was Cal, Ash and Michael. I quickly ran to Luke's room.

"The boys are here" I told him.

"Shit! I forgot they were coming today!" Luke cursed. He went to run off to the front door but I stopped him quickly.

"Can we not tell them we're dating just yet?" I asked him. He nodded his head.

"Of course. And can you not tell them about the... you know" he motioned to the sides of his torso.

"I would never" I kissed him quickly. He ran off to open the front door and I sat on the couch. I could hear them all saying hello from where I was sitting. They all walked in to the lounge room, when they all saw me there they smirked and wiggled their eyebrows at Luke, who's cheeks went rosy red.

"Hey Olivia, what are you doing here?" Ashton asked as he sat next to me and gave me a hug.

"I slept over" I said. "Mum was going to be home really late and didn't want me at home by myself all night"

The boys sat on the couches in the lounge room. Luke had his guitar and was sitting really close to me. While the other boys were talking I leant over to Luke.

"So when are you going to sing for me?" I whispered.

"When the boys are ready to practise" he winked at me then started to talk to Calum. What did he mean practise?

"So you guys want to start?" Michael asked. "Yep" Ashton said. They all got up and I was completely confused.

"Just stay here a sec, we will be back" Luke grinned at me then ran off to the boys. I sat by myself for a few minutes before the boys came back. Cal and Michael both had a guitar each and Ashton was carrying a drum box thing that I didn't know the name of. Luke, Cal and Michael sat down on the couches and Ash sat on his drum box.

"So, we are 5 Seconds of Summer" Luke said with a cheeky grin on his lips. I sat stunned. I can't believe this. I leant over and hit Luke's arm playfully.

"You didn't tell me you were in a band!" I smiled at him. "You should have told me!" I said.

"I wanted to surprise you" Was all he said. They tuned their guitars while Ashton and I just sat there. I can't believe they are in a band, I wonder how popular they are. I decided to ask Ashton.

"So do you guys have fans or anything?" I asked. "Well we put videos on YouTube so people do listen to us but yeah I guess we have fans. But we are actually just about to start recording an EP which is really cool." Ashton said.

"Okay, we're ready." Michael said. "What are we going to sing?" He asked.

"I Miss You?" Calum asked. They all agreed. They started playing the Blink 182 song. Luke kept his eyes no just two things the whole time; me and the guitar. His voice was amazing. It was so mesmerizing. The song finished and they all looked at me.

"So, what do you think?" Luke asked me. I was completely speechless.

"You guys are... Amazing!" I said with a huge smile. They all smiled proudly. "I still can't believe you lot are in a band though" I smiled at them. Luke looked at me with an adorable grin and I smiled back at him.

"I'm thirsty, anyone want a drink?" Luke said as he got up from the couch. The boys nodded and started talking to each other; I looked up at Luke who nodded his head towards the kitchen hinting for me to follow. Luke walked to the kitchen; I stood up and began walking as well. "Where are you going?" Calum asked me.

"To help Luke" I said happily before walking to the kitchen. I walked over to the island bench and I couldn't see Luke anywhere. I was about to turn around and go back to the lounge room but then I felt to hands grip my waist and spin me around. It was Luke.

"You scared me" I told him as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry baby" Luke said with a big goofy grin. I smiled up at him before I leant up and placed my lips on his. We weren't even kissing for 5 seconds before one of the boys walked in.

"Oh wow! Sorry!" Luke and I pulled away quickly and saw Calum standing in the door way with his hands over his eyes. "You done?" He asked. Luke and I laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah" I said. He took his hands away from his eyes. Luke got glasses out for drinks and I stood awkwardly at the bench. Calum walked over to us.

"Are you two... you know together now?" Calum asked us quietly so the others wouldn't hear. I looked at Luke who was looking at me. I turned back to Calum who was waiting for his answer. I nodded.

"Yeah" I said quietly. Calum grinned at us both.

"I knew it would happen soon." Calum walked off. Luke poured everyone's drink. Once he was done we took them out and placed them on the coffee table. We sat back in our seats. Calum smirked at us both and they decided the next song to sing. They played 4 songs before they finished.

"That was fun" Michael said as they walked off to put the instruments away. I sat on the couch and waited for them to come back. When they cam back Luke sat next to me and draped his arm over my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"Wait, what is this?" Michael asked as he motioned to Luke and I. Luke smiled at me before looking at Ash and Michael.

"Liv is now my girlfriend" He smiled and Michael and Ash cheered before jumping on top of him and I. I laughed as they squished us.

"get off me you nob heads!" I yelled at Michael and Ash with a laugh.

© xKelsey5SOSx

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