I snapped my head back to where my mum was. Oh god. Not again. I don't think I could go through being cheated on again. I felt so angry at the thought of Luke cheating on me and I felt so sad at the fact that I wasn't good enough for him. I could feel my breathing get quicker along with heart rate as I sat at the table with Luke and the mystery girl just a few metres away from me. I could feel a lump in my throat from the anger and sadness within me.
"You okay sweetie?" My mum asked me. "You look like you're about to cry" She told me. Well mum, you aren't wrong. I looked up to my Mum.
"I will meet you in the car" I said with clenched teeth as I looked up her. I pushed my chair back quickly causing it to screech against the floor loudly. I quickly grabbed my bag and hurried out of the café. "Liv!" My mum called out to me. As I hurried past Luke he caught my eye and a look of panic took over his face. I hurried out of the café quickly and out to the car park of the mall I was in. I walked up to the car and leant against it as I took deep breaths to try and calm down.
I heard some one run up to the car, it was Luke. "Liv, let me explain! I promise it wasn't what it looked like" He said with worry clear in his tone. I felt more tears fall.
"That's exactly what Dylan said to me" I yelled at him as tears formed in my eyes but I refused to let them fall.
"What?" I heard him say. I can't stand here in the car park on the verge of tears until my mum gets back so I walked straight past Luke and ran to the park that was across the road from the car park.
Once I was there I sat down on the swing. "Trust me, it was far from what you think it was" He said quietly. I sighed and angrily wiped away the stray tear that wouldn't stay back.
"What was it then?" I asked him even quieter then when he spoke. He sighed and stood up. He grabbed my hand before guiding me towards the park bench underneath a tree. When we sat down Luke pulled me closer to him. He went to kiss my cheek but I avoided his touch. He sighed again.
"Olivia, I met up with her because we use to date briefly and she was under the impression that her and I were still dating. So I met up with her to set things straight. To tell her that I was with someone else, with you" I looked up to him and our eyes met instantly. His looked worried and hurt. I was still angry at the fact that he didn't tell me about it but I was relieved that he wasn't cheating on me. I crossed my arms and looked at him.
"Prove to me that you aren't cheating on me with her" I told him. As soon as the words left my mouth Luke's lips were covering mine. The kiss held so much passion and need for one another that I forgot about our situation. Luke pulled away from me and smiled. I smiled back.
"Trust me baby, I would never hurt you and I never will" He placed small quick kisses all over my face causing me to giggle. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him close to me. Luke lifted me up to sit on his lap as he leant back against the park bench. He kissed me again but I pulled away because I forgot that we were in public. I started to laugh and Luke smiled at me.
"What are you laughing at?" he asked. I leant forward and whispered in his ear.
"We are in public, maybe we should go somewhere more private if we are going to continue this" When I leant away from Luke's ear he had a look of surprise on his face. He grinned cheekily at me before grabbing my hand.
"Come on, lets go" We stood up and old couples that were walking through the park looked at us disgustedly as they saw the amount of affection we were showing for each other in public. Luke and I just laughed as we started walking back to the mall.
"Wait, how are we going to get back?" I asked him. He smiled at me.
"Don't worry, my brother dropped me off and I text him before I came to the park to pick me up. Look there he is" Luke pointed to a small silver car that was pulled into the waiting area. We crossed the road and got into the back seat of the car.
"Hey little bro and little bro's lady friend" We laughed as we put our seat belts on, once they were on Luke's brother pulled out of the car space.
"Olivia, this is Jack and Jack this is Olivia" Jack looked back in the review mirror and nodded his head with a smile.
"Hey Olivia" He said. "Hi" I waved awkwardly even though he couldn't see me.
"How do you two know each other? I've never seen you around Olivia" Jack asked as he drove the car.
"Oh, just call me Liv" I smiled. Luke grabbed my hand and smiled at me yet again. He leant over to me. "Do you mind if I tell him? About us I mean" he asked quietly in my ear. I shook my head.
"It's fine" I said. "So how do you two know each other?" Jack asked again.
"Liv is my girlfriend. She moved here from Melbourne just under two weeks ago" Luke said with a proud smile plastered across his face.
"Oh, okay then. Where am I taking you anyways?" He asked us as he turned the corner.
"Liv's house, its across the road from Calum's house" He told Jack. Jack drove us there and as he drove I sent my mum a text to say that Luke and I were going home. When we got out of the car we both thanked him before he drove off. We walked up the front steps of my house and I realised I didn't have a key.
"Shit! I don't have a key and while we were in the car mum text me to tell me she won't be home until late again because she had to go to a meeting" I told Luke and he shrugged his shoulders.
"That doesn't matter, why don't we check the back?" He asked. We walked around the side of the house. The gate was also locked so we had to jump over. Once we were in the back yard we walked up to the back door and tried to open it. Nope, locked.
"I guess we're locked out" I told him with a sign. We walked over to the back table and sat down. "What do we do now? We could go to Calum's?" I asked.
"Nah, I want to spend time with you" Luke smiled before kissing me quickly. Luke looked around my backyard and when he looked back to me I grinned at him. "Why don't we go in the pool?" I asked him as I raised my eyebrows.
© xKelsey5SOSx