11 - Dreams

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"Bye Mum, be back later!" I called, my voice echoed through the large house.

"Okay, be careful" I hear my mum call as I close the front door. I texted Luke to tell him I'm on my way over. I follow the footpath that Luke and I walked the other day towards his house. I walk up the path to the front door. I knock twice and wait for Luke to answer the door.

There's no answer, so knocked again. I pushed down on the door handle to see if it was unlocked which it was. How weird? Surely Luke would have locked the door if he was in bed or something. "Luke?" I called out and there was no answer. "You home Luke?" I asked. I heard something fall and smash from the bath room down the hall. I quickly ran down the hall to the bathroom and opened the door quickly.

Luke was on the floor and there was blood everywhere. It was seeping from his sides where I had seen the scars earlier and it was spilling from his wrist. There was also an overturned bottle of pills on the floor. "LUKE!" I ran over to him and grabbed his wrist. I wrapped my hand around the deep wound to decrease the amount of blood that was pouring from his wrist. I quickly called an ambulance before Luke spoke to me

"Liv?" Luke was crying as he spoke and so was I.

"Yeah baby I'm here" I said and kissed his cheek that was wet from tears. "Luke, please tell me. Why?" I kissed his cheek again as I held his wrist. His breathing was slowing and so was his pulse as I felt it on his wrist.

"I'm sorry" Was all Luke said before he took his final breath.

"LUKE! WAKE UP! DON'T DO THIS!" I started to scream at the top of my lungs as I pulled him close to me. Ambulance officers came bursting through the door and pulled me from Luke. I kicked and screamed until it all went black.

"Olivia! Liv! Wake up!!" some one was shaking my shoulders. I sat straight up and realized that I was in my room. My mum was standing at the end of the bed and Luke was sitting next to me. I threw my arms around Luke and started to cry. Luke hugged me tightly back as I cried.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. My tears had finally slowed down and I was able to talk.

"Liv, you must have been having a bad dream or something because you started thrashing around in bed and muttering things. I tried waking you up but you wouldn't wake. After a few minutes you started to say Luke's name and then you started crying." My mum had obviously been crying, I could tell by the way she was talking. "I picked up your phone and called Luke because I had no idea what to do and while I was on the phone to Luke you started to scream. I still couldn't wake you and Luke came here to see if he could, which obviously worked." She smiled, but at the same time she was extremely stressed and upset. I felt terrible for doing this, for waking my Mum and making her worry about me, and also Luke for waking him and him coming over here. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo now.

"I'm so sorry" I said to the both of them.

"Don't worry baby, we all have dreams" Luke smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me. It was clear that he was worried, you could see it in his blue eyes.

"I'll leave you guys alone" My mum said and walked out of the room. Once she left I moved over and laid back down in bed. Luke sat awkwardly on the side of the bed. I giggled at him.

"Get in to bed silly" He chuckled and kicked his shoes off before getting under the blankets and pulling me closer to him.

"Now are you going to tell me what your dream was about? Because I'm really worried" Luke said as he kissed my nose lightly. I took a deep breath before answering.

"It was about you killing yourself" I whispered. I looked into his bright blue eyes and he was shocked. "In my dream you cut your wrist and bled to death. It was horrible and it felt so real. So when I woke up and saw you there it was such a relief" I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I spoke. Luke brought his hand up from under the blanket and with the pad of his thumb wiped away the tear.

"Don't worry baby, I would never do that to you" He smiled at me before he placed a delicate kiss on my lips. The kiss deepened and became more passionate. We pulled away from the kiss and Luke started to kiss my neck. My fingers tangled in Luke's hair as he pushed me on my back and knelt above me as he attacked my neck passionately with his lips. Luke brought his lips back to mine and kissed me again.

"I will never leave you baby, I promise" Luke smiled at me and kissed me one last time before we went to sleep... again.

© xKelsey5SOSx

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